Battle Star Naya

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Shoichi's POV

This is our moment, our first ever battle star, as I think this, we stand in front of the battle theatre, we all took our deep breaths, and then stepped inside

"Who will go first?"

The theatre man asks, we looked at each other, then we decided, we looked at Fraser, Embit's trainer, and then it confirmed that he's going to go first

1 hour later

An hour has passed, Fraser and Elazar hasn't returned yet, then as I think this, I looked at my friends

"Do you think they failed?" I said

"No, no, I think they'll be just fine" Flanna spoke

"Yeah! Elazar is strong!" said Walentya

I looked down

Elazar's POV

So, we've made our way to Naya, me, well, I'm level 17 now, so close to evolving into Rabburn, this is going to be awesome! I can't wait!

"Ok, you're healed and ready to go buddy," he said as he patted my head, let's go beat them!

Then we entered once again, it look Fraser 37 minutes to figure the puzzle out, then out comes Naya

We have entered our battle, then I used ear slap

21 minutes, and we beat her, we did great! and then we returned to the others with a badge

Fraser's POV (Finally, a human POV yay!)

It's been 6 hours and 58 minutes and we all got our badges! Yes! We stepped out of the battle theatre! With our newly evolved Loomians! Everyone was happy to see that their beginner Loomians have grown!

I was just smiling at Elazar, my Rabburn

I was just smiling at Elazar, my Rabburn

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Wade had an Reptide

(Reader's name of choice) had an Felver

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(Reader's name of choice) had an Felver

(Reader's name of choice) had an Felver

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