Chapter One

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I wake up groggily in the afternoon, my eyes adjust to the.....darkness? Where's the sun? I check the time. It's 2:36 PM. I slowly walk to the window, confused.

In this tiny room, I call a house, there's more dust than my clothes. I wipe the layer of dust from the window to make it see-through.

A shock of the wave hits me as I see what's outside. Thick dark clouds with four long tornados sucking from the ground. How could I have slept through this? A loud thundering burst across the clouds which gave them an evil look, and I shuddered. This little concrete block wouldn't be able to handle the strength of the storm. And there were not many other houses in this area, it was remotely secluded, just as I liked it.

Then imagine my horror and surprise when I heard a knock on my door.

I moved away from my window and looked at the door. It was a simple door, wooden and weak to be broken down easily. I looked at my rug and the thin sheet of the blanket. I could pretend there was nobody home, and the knock I heard could just be another figment of my imagination.

But I heard it again, and it was more louder and prominent.

I stumbled towards the door and unlocked it. The first thing I couldn't control was the door being pushed extremely harshly in my way due to the storm, and the second was that I couldn't believe who was standing there.

I have never seen this man in my entire existence.

"I guess you might be wrong there, Freckle," he said. Wait... What? Freckle? Who does he think he is? And did he just read m-

"Yes, I did just read your mind." He replies without a beat.

I am standing there, at my door, with a very disturbing and terrifying storm which can easily wretch my home, and this guy has the audacity to be randomly lurking out of his house in this weather?

"Could you please invite me in?" He asked, with a known smile on his face that I couldn't decipher.

I looked around, there was only enough space for one person to live, and his tall figure would take a lot of space. Where would I make him sit? I eyed my rug now with a little distaste. Nobody had made me feel embarrassed by the way I lived my life until now.

"Relax, I'm kind of getting tired here" he commented, with a glint in his eyes which said he knew exactly what I was fretting about. And it sent chills down my spine.

How the hell can he read my mind?

"Don't worry, freckle. There are others who can do much more things than just Charles Xavier tricks" he let himself inside and I made space on my rug for him to sit down. He just looked at me.

Alright then, screw the formalities.

"Who are you?" I ask with an authoritative voice and confidence which surprised me.

The thunderstorm had quietened a very little bit, but I could still see the four tornadoes, and they seemed to be getting smaller in size.

I looked back at him and realized he didn't answer my question yet.

"Well?" I demanded. He smiled at me.

He had a tall muscular frame, but he was lean and somewhat considered appealing. His hair was shabby, spiking out from every direction, greyish black in color. He wore normal denim jeans with a white shirt and a grey jacket over it, unzipped. I could see the faint markings of his abdomen which was seen through his shirt.

He cleared his throat.

"Did you tell me your name or what?" I snapped, slightly embarrassed that he caught me checking him out.

Oh damn, he can read my mind!

"Well I did tell you who I am but I don't think you registered it because you were too busy ogling at my very perfect handsome body," he said smugly while pointing at himself.

I glare at him.

A speck of dust falls off from the ceiling above, I look up to see the fan swinging by its axis.

He looks up too.

"Okay, freckle, we don't have much time. I've come to recruit you." He says seriously.

I'm confused. Recruit? What for? To where? Why?

He didn't even tell me who he is!

"We don't have time for this, the tornadoes are a little too much, don't you think? They'll know it's us." He rushed. He grabbed my hand next and pulled me along with him to the door.

I couldn't react to what was happening until we got out of my house, and then


He looks back at me, his grin wide.

"I'm Storm".


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