Chapter Two

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There was one thing I was sure of: this man is not human. He's not normal. He's not a works David with special powers because if he were, I would've heard about him, right?

We run, I don't know why, towards his grey car-why is everything about him grey? It's not an old model of Infiniti, he opens my side of the door and urges me inside, and quickly ignitions the car.

"Why is everything about you grey?" I asked, completely aware that he already knew what I was about to ask.

He sighed.

"It represents what I am," he says carelessly.

We drove to the urban area of the city, passed many commercial areas and large houses. I still didn't understand what he meant by the recruit. I move away from the hair from my face, which kept on disrupting my eyesight, and looked at him. Who is this man? What does he want from me? We haven't met before... but he says otherwise. I shouldn't even trust him but what have I got to lose? A shitty place with a rug and some stale food. I wouldn't even miss that. What does he want from me? What could I, of all the people living on Earth, give him? The only thing in excess that I have and can give is the dust in my house. Loads of it.

"Hey, could you like, stop?" He begged. He looked at me and his eyes looked like they were in pain. Maybe he could see through me completely, but he could definitely not feel the same way I did... Could he?

I relaxed my mind, the worst thing that could happen is me dying, but thinking about it, it isn't even that bad. It wouldn't make a difference in the world; my house wouldn't miss me... In fact, I think the rug would be happier if it didn't have me sleeping on it every night. The stale food would be happier by being eaten by the microbes rather than me. My existence here is useless.

"Please. Just stop!" He says again. His eyes on me.

"Alright, you watch the road" I comment, trying my best to keep a quiet mind.

After a few seconds, I couldn't hold it in. And I saw a frown forming on his face slowly, probably getting ready to answer my questions.

"Where and why am I being recruited?" I finally speak, giving him more time to prep himself.

He lets out a light chuckle.

"All in due time, Freckle. All in due time," he says calmly. I let out a groan and stare outside the window.

There are no more houses to look at; it's like a highway with only us out here for miles and miles. All that's seen is small patches of demolished huts and green fields. The sky is warmer, with no trace of there being a thunderstorm. Weird. It was the biggest thing I've ever seen, it should've spread till the urban city, but here I was, under a sunny sky.

After a while, I started feeling a little drowsy. All the early morning–or should I say afternoon–rush made me a little tired. I leaned deeper inside the seat of his car, which was dangerously comfortable and I could get used to it–until I figure out where I'm being taken. My eyes slowly droop; until I'm suddenly jerked wide awake when a very strong metallic scent hits my nostrils.

"Holy shit, what's that!" I exclaim, notching my nose with my two fingers.

"Oh, you'll have to get used to it. It's always been this... intense" He waves his hand in dismissal.

I feel a sudden urge to punch him in the face. I balled my wrists and my nails hurt me.

It's been a habit, instead of being the bully by punching everybody who infuriated me; I control myself by hurting myself instead because it's simpler that way.

"Whoa kitten calm down," he surrenders, "you just have to wait. It'll make a lot of sense later, I promise." He sounded genuinely concerned. If I didn't know better, I'd think he pitied me.

"It's nothing to do with pity. You wouldn't even have been here if it wasn't for the pesky little pieces of" he stopped himself abruptly. He stared at what was in front of him.

I shifted my gaze from him and saw what he was looking at. The sight blew my mind.

In front of me, stood the largest building I've ever seen. It occupied double the space of the Empire State building. It was extremely tall, all grey walls with uniform windows in the bottom, and fewer windows on the top. I glanced at Storm and realized that he was staring at me, with an amusing smile on his face. I looked away, blush rising to my cheeks.

He parked a little away from the humongous building and got out. Right. That's my cue. I start unbuckling the seat belt and I find my door open, Storm standing outside, waiting. I push myself up and get out of the car.

"Ah crap, now I need to clean up my car!" he exclaimed, looking behind me.

I looked at the seat where I sat, and what a surprise! There were tin specks of dust around the seatbelt and the headrest. I shook my head in defense, wondering how on earth I hadn't noticed it before. He sighed, looking at me, with a certain amount of accusation in his eyes.

"What? I swear I didn't know how dusty your car was! You're the one who drives it!" I say, with a little higher tone in my voice.

He grumbles, "Yeah alright" and shuts the door behind me.

"Come on", he says pulling my hand into his.

I was shocked by the sudden proximity, and the weird feeling his hand brought in mine. I would have jerked my hand at the second, but he pulled me and briskly walked, I needed to catch up unless I wanted my hand detached from my body. We walked, more like I ran and he walked, and we reached the front of the huge gray building.

Now that I think about it, all this seems extremely creepy. I'm useless for a kidnap, so it isn't one, I don't have great brains that might help them, or maybe I'm here for... oh my gods! He's brought me here for some experiment! He's recruited me here to experiment on me! And I don't think it's a Captain America type of experiment. Who goes out of their way and looks for a girl with nothing to lose and nobody to notice her absence? Oh, it's definitely an experiment! What are they gonna do to me? Give me tablets? Spike me with awful-looking injections? Electrocute me? Oh, this is scary! What if I die, or worse, become a huge green mons—my thoughts are interrupted by the hand I am now squeezing.

"You're insane, Freckle. Be real please," he comments, with a smile on his face. Does he dare have the audacity to laugh? I'm about to be turned into a lab rat and all he can say is 'you're insane?

"Oh, I don't think so at all buddy. You are the one who's insane! Why have you 'recruited' me here? What is inside this wall that's so hideous that there are guards around it in weird-ass uniforms?" I ramble at him without realizing that we were already at the front door of the building.

"This large building, as you call it, is now your home. Ready for a tour?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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