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i don't want it to end.
this feeling isn't comprehensible
when i'm with you
all i want to do is live

i'm so afraid of forgetting you
i don't know why,
i haven't forgotten a thing
since first grade.

that's a lie,
but i want to believe it.
i want to believe i know myself
like you know it,

i'm sure that's not true.
i just don't want you to go.
i don't want your version of me
to get thanos snapped out of existence.

i'm going to miss you
and your smile
though i haven't seen it much.
i know this will be better for you.

it's hard to let go
but you're a helium balloon
and it's getting hard to hold on
to these feelings, your face

we're changing for the better.
i have to keep whispering that to myself.
we were going to change the world,
you and me.

i'll never get over you,
so i'm going to have to go around.
i'll remember you.
i'll remember you.

i'll remember you.


-𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐞 i.Where stories live. Discover now