The deal

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I take a shot of vodka while my friends cheer me on.
"20th down." I smirk and they yell.

We keep talking while we chill by the corner of the club enjoying our night.
I look to see Joey , he's my trustworthy right hand.
Also my best friend.

"How many have you done?" I ask and look at my shot glass.
"I think I'm on my 17th, but I'm getting there." He says while slurring.
Im used to doing this so that's why I have a high tolerance with alcohol.

I scan the club and then look down to my shot again.
"Who are you going to jump." Drake asks.
He's one of the main people in the group that I can trust my life with.
"Nobody, why?" I ask and he chuckles and looks at my shoes.

Black air forces.

I shake my head and smile.
"That joke is getting old." I tell him and he smiles.
"Just like those shoes." He says and I chuckle and start looking around again.

"José, looks like you Got a visitor." Jake tells me and I look at him.
José is my real name but I go by the name Lucifer since we run dangerous courses at points and we can't use our real names.

I look around and spot someone coming up to me, a girl. She's wearing a black dress and high heels.
She has hoop earrings and her hair is black and wavy.
She keeps heading my way looking nervous and once we make eye contact she swallows hard and puts her head up high.

I look at jake confused and he smirks and winks at me.

Something about her just isn't right..

Once she gets closer Joey sees her and cat calls her making her look even more nervous.
"Stop." I tell him without breaking eye contact with her.
"Shiii my bad." He says and stares at his glass cup while smiling.

Once she gets close to me she hesitates a bit before leaning in closer and straddles me.
She bites her lip and runs her hand down my chest.
"Hey handsome." She tells me and her hand reaches my lower abdomen.

"Whats up beautiful." I tell her and grab her waist.
Her breath shakes a bit but she leans in and starts making out with me.
I kiss her back roughly and pull her body closer to mine while she still straddles me, I wrap one of my arms around her waist and I pull on her hair with my other hand making her move her head a bit so I can have more access to her neck.

I start kissing her neck leaving wet kisses and she starts grinding on me.
Her fragrance smells sweet and good.
"You want to take this somewhere else?" She tells me  and gets up.

I get up and we both walk to the storage closet while I lead the way.
Once we enter I close and lock the door.
She swallows again but looks away.

I cross my arms and get closer to her but she takes a step back hesitating.
"I know this isn't what you want baby." I tell her and she looks confused.
"What do you mean?"
"I know you're not trying to have sex with me. You want something but you are afraid to ask, you just want to get on my good side and have sex with me just to have a better chance of me listening to you. But you got it wrong beautiful." I tell her.

"That's not true." She nervously laughs.
"I don't let people get on my good side for using me-"
"I wasn't going to use you-"
"Clearly you want something from me but it's definitely not this." I say and point to her and the storage room.

"I-..." she pauses.
"You what." I tell her sternly.
"I, i do need something from you-"
"Knew it." I say and start walking towards the door.
"Wait!" She yells and I stop walking and look at her.

"I heard you do favors for people and I need one."
"I don't do favors, I do deals." I say.
"But aren't you supposed to do favors if your name is Lucifer?" She says and I shake my head and turn back around to unlock the door.
"I'm joking wait!" She says and gets closer to me.

"Why should I listen to you." I tell her.
"Because, i really need your help." She tells me.
"And what makes you think I'm going to help you." I say.
"Because, i have nobody else to go to." She says quietly.

"Okay then, why do you really need my help for."
She's about to speak but I beat her to it.

"But you do know what happens when I don't get my end of the deal right." I tell her and she looks away from me.
"Just gotta make sure who your messing with."
She looks back at me.

"What do you need."
"Okay, how much."
I nod and lick my lips.
"By when."
"Alright." I say and she looks a bit relieved.

"I'll help you but just make sure you will owe me." I tell her and walk towards her.
"I won't let you down thank you." She smiles and I lean in closer to her.
"I'm not going to tell you what you have to do for me yet, but it won't be pretty." I tell her and her smile fades.

"So do we got a deal?" I say and put my hand out for her to shake.
She hesitates.
"If it's that urgent you will shake on it." I tell her and she gives in and shakes my hand.

"Great, now remember. A deal is a deal."

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