One end of the bargain

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It's the next day and Joey is throwing up.
"Somebody's pregnant." I tell him and he glares at me.

"Shut the hell up jose I don't feel like joking right now, I just have a hangover." He says and sniffles.
"Well then if you know you can't drink that much why do you still do it?" I ask him.

"Because I wanted to get lit."
"Well-" I start and he looks at the toilet.
"This ain't lit is it?" I point to him and the toilet.
"Nope." He says and sniffles again.
"How much did I even drink?" He asks.
"Maybe two and a half bottles of vodka." I tell him and just by me saying the word 'vodka' made him throw up even more.

He finishes and washes his mouth then lights up a cigarette and starts smoking.
"So how was your night with the little slut." He says and keeps smoking.
"She just wanted me to do something for her." I tell him and cross my arms.

"She needed money." I look around the bathroom while he just stays sitting down on the floor.
He looks at the cigarette in his hand.
"Shit bitches do to get shit man." He mumbles and I sigh.

"Yeah but you know it ain't that easy to get rid of me." I tell him and smirk.
He looks at me.
"So she owes you a deal?" He asks and I nod.
"Good, shit ain't as easy as it looks. Bitch is going to learn who the fuck she messing with and I hope she knows what she got herself into." He smirks back and I chuckle.

"Yeah, let's hope it doesn't have to end that way."
I put my hands in my pockets.
"But if it has to be done then it will be done."
"So what are you thinking about making her do?" He asks and I stare at him.
"Not sure yet but I might have an idea on what she can do." I say and he nods.

"So where are you guys going to meet?" He asks.
"Here." I tell him.
"In this trap house?" He asks confused.
"Yeah, I mean we always do our deals here." I say.
"Oh yeah, right." He says.

I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts to her number.
I start calling her and after three rings she picks up.

"Hello, Who is this?" She asks.
"Miss me?" I say and look back at Joey.
He chuckles and inhales deeply then exhales letting all the smoke come out.

"Who else?"
"Meet me in 10 at the address that I'm going to send, just bring yourself and don't tell nobody where you are going. If I hear something about someone knowing about this, I WILL make sure to make your life more miserable than it already is. You bring someone with you they won't be leaving back alive." I tell her and she stays quiet for a moment.

"O-okay." She quietly says.
"Alright, you've been warned." I say and she takes a deep breath but her voice shakes.
"Don't call the cops or you will regret it, see you soon." I say and end the call before she could answer.

I look up at him and he starts coughing.
"Is the lung cancer finally hitting you?" I ask and he coughs harder.
"Shut the fuck up jose!" He says raising his voice.
"Well, I got business to take care of, call the gang to guard the place." I tell him and he nods and pulls out his phone.

I walk out and head down to the safe.
I start putting in the code and unlock it taking out the amount of money she asked, I put it in a briefcase.

I start walking back upstairs leaving the basement and put the briefcase on the table.

A couple of minutes later my gang shows up.
"Hey boss." Drake tells me and I look up at him.
"Hey-" I get interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Go upstairs." I tell them and they go upstairs.
"Getting it!" Joey yells and walks towards the door and opens it.

"What's up jose!" Franklin walks in and smiles at me.
"Hey bro." I say and get up.
He starts walking towards me making gang signs and I just stare at him.
"No, stop." I tell him and he laughs.

"Still doing deals I see." He says and points at the briefcase.
"Yes." I say and he starts walking upstairs.
"For who?"
"Why the fuck are you asking so many questions, and besides why are you even here?" I ask and follow him upstairs.

"Can't I visit my brother?"
"Yeah but not now-" the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it!" He says and runs downstairs to open it.
I shake my head and my gang just looks at me.
"Well, we know for sure that you are the one with the brains in your family." Drake says and they laugh.

"Yeah, seems like it sometimes." I say while they continue to laugh.
"Hey mami." We hear him flirting.
"This dumb ass." I mumble and walk downstairs.

Franklin keeps talking with her and she smiles at him.
"Alright, ready?" I ask her and her smile fades when she looks at me.
She's about to speak but I beat her to it.

"Sit down." I tell her and signal at the couch.
She quickly sits down.
"So, I just want to make sure that you are confirming this." I tell her.
She looks at the briefcase and looks back at me.

They come downstairs and start walking towards the door.
"Make sure she didn't bring anyone." I tell them.
"Yes boss." Jacob says and they all leave outside except for drake.

Joey comes out of the bathroom and keeps smoking.
"Yes, I am positive about this." She says and I nod and walk around the table and sit right by her making her feel uncomfortable.

She moves away from me and just clears her throat.
"Don't scare her like that." Franklin says.
I snap my fingers and he looks confused, all of a sudden he gets slammed against the wall by Joey and drake.
"Okay, chill!" He yells and they keep him like that.
"Leave." Joey commands and they let go of him.
"Alright, I will. Damn." He says and walks out.

She gets more scared after he leaves.
"Alright, here's your end of the bargain. I will have your deal when I need something." I tell her and she nods.
"Don't get caught up and don't tell anyone." I stand up and grab the briefcase then hand it to her.

"Thank you." She says and I nod.
"Now get out. See you again soon." I tell her and she swallows.
She quickly gets up and walks towards the door.

"Remember-" I start talking without looking at her.

"A deal is a deal."

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