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"How did you get the money so fast?" The doctor asks me and i start getting flashbacks of him.
"Just money I had saved up." I say and he smiles.
"Alright, well we will start the surgery today then." He says and walks out.

I look at my dad laying down on the hospital bed.
"H-how." He says weakly.
"Don't worry about that dad, whats good is that you can get better." I smile and my eyes water.
"Marissa, did you do something illegal?" He asked.
"No dad, that was money i had saved up." I tell him.

He was about to say something but I cut him off.
"Dad you are really sick, i want you to get better and what's done is done. Now In a few weeks you will be out of this hospital and back to how you were." I say and he lightly smiles.

"Thanks Marissa, i owe you one." He says.
"No you don't, you are my father."
"Alright, but 400,000 dollars is a lot-"
"Don't worry about it." I tell him and he laughs weakly.

"Now you can get your kidney transplant." I say and he closes his eyes and breathes in.
I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts.

I block Lucifer's contact and turn off my phone.

My friend Adam walks in.
"Hey, i brought you food." He sits by me and smiles.
"Thank you." I say and smile back.
"Hey mr. Escobar" he greets my dad.
"Hey Adam." He says.

"Hey, Marissa- can I talk to you for a moment?" Adam asks and I nod and walk out with him.
"Listen, i know right now isn't the time to talk about this, but I just want to come clean with you." He says and I look at him confused.

"I-I like you a lot, but i never wanted to say anything because I didn't want it to get awkward between us-"
I cut him off.
"Adam you are right, right now isn't the time for this." I tell him and he closes his mouth and looks down.
"Yeah what was I thinking." He mumbles then looks around.

"We Can talk about this another time and we should take things slow, I'm worried about my dad right now." I tell him and he presses his lips together and nods.
"Yeah, I'm sorry." He says before he walks away.

Two weeks have passed and my dads home already and healthy.
"Marissa, i just want to thank you-"
"Dad you have been thanking me for these past two weeks, you are fine!" I say and laugh.

"Okay, but this is the last time I'm going to see you since you're leaving for college." He says and I smile.
"And you are very welcome, but i have to go now." I say and hug him.

We say our goodbyes and I get in my car then drive towards my college.

I never liked the fact that I really put myself at risk to help my father but so far I think Lucifer just says that to scare people and he actually doesn't need them, but then again I remember that I blocked him.


I start unpacking in my new dorm while my roommate dances.
I glance at her and she laughs.
"Hey! We should be besties since we are going to live with each other!" She yells excitedly.

"Eh, i have a best friend already." I say and she crosses her arms.
"His name is Adam, you probably don't know him."

She shrugs and gets a phone call.
"Hey girly!" She says and I roll my eyes.
Why couldn't I have had a better roommate.
"What Becky?" I groan.
"I'm going to head out, class is starting for me." She says and walks out before even letting me respond.

I finish unpacking and text Adam to meet up with me.


"So what do you think about this college?" He asks and drinks his soda.
"So far it's nice, I like it except for my roommate." I say and he smiles and looks at me.
"Why do you say that?" He asks as we continue to walk around.

"She's just so annoying like I don't think I will be able to stand her for a whole year." I say and he chuckles.
"Yeah I feel the same." He says and I look at him confused.
"No, I got great roommates." He says and I smile.

"That's good, what time does our class start?"
"In just a few minutes, but I heard there was going to be a party tonight. So we can start this year nice." He tells me and I think.

"We should go, people are saying it will be fun."
"I don't know, it's barely the first day of school and I'm not trying to have a hang over tomorrow."

"Come on just let loose." He begs.
"Fine." I mumble and he smiles and drinks more of his soda.

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