Part 3

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Scorpious got up that day, as he did every other day. He had a shower, pulled on his uniform and made his bed. No matter how many house elves were in the school; Scorpious had good manners.

He went down to the Common Room with his room-mate, teasing him about his girlfriend.

They stood near the couches waiting for Lily as usual.

Scorpious' room-mate, Seth Shale got on really well with both Lily and Scorpious. The three of them often hung out together.

Lily entered the Common Room gracefully. She was, thankfully, not one of the clumsy Weasley/Potters. She walked straight over to Scorpious and Seth smiling at the boys.

"Ladies." She greeted with a nod.

"Madame Ostrich." Seth greeted her with an equally curt and controlled nod.

Lily grinned at Seth's use of the Muggle animal's name.

Scorpious, used to their antics, just started walking towards the exit and the Great Hall.

"Come on guys, I'm starving." Scorpious grumbled.

"Always about food." Lily muttered under her breath, causing Seth to chuckle.

Scorpious rolled his eyes and held the door for Lily.

"Why thank you." She mock curtsied and kissed his cheek. Scorpious felt the blush rise to his cheeks and turned away from Lily and Seth.

Lily rolled her eyes, seeing his rosy cheeks.

She whispered into Seth's ear and they took off sprinting away from Scorpious.

Lily and Seth reached the end of the corridor and stopped, slightly out of breath.

"I win." Lily said giggling as Scorpious jogged around the corner.

"Alright. What do you want then? "Seth sighed.

Lily leaned towards him and whispered into his ear.

Scorpious watched as the grin spread across Seth's face.

"Alright love. " He smirked and leaned slowly towards her.

Scorpious watched as Seth pushed his lips to Lily's, in shock. Did she ask for this? He could feel anger and jealousy battling inside him.

Lily smiled into the kiss, glad that this wasn't her first and remembering the one that was.

Lily had been in the Room of Requirements all day and it was getting late. Scorpious would no doubt be worrying about her.

Suddenly the door opened and Scorpious stood there.

"Scorpious!" Lily said, closing her book. "What are you doing here?"

"Where have you been all day Lily?" He scolded. "I've been worried sick!"

"It's alright Scorp. I've been in here, relaxing." She replied, standing to embrace him.

He pulled her to him in a hug, breathing in her smell.

"Alright Lil. I was just worried."

Lily pulled back and kissed his cheek.

"Cheer up Scorp." She said. Her hands moved to his sides and she started tickling him.

He gasped for breath and tried to tickle her back.

They both fell onto the same bean bags, laughing hysterically and still tickling each other.

Scorpious had landed on top of Lily and she wriggled, trying to get free.

Scorpious closed his eyes for a moment and a small moan escaped his lips before he could stop it.

"Scorp?" Lily whispered.

"Mm-hmm?" He grunted, opening his eyes to see a flushed Lily.

"Can you – uh – get off me?" She blushed.

"Oh, sorry Lil. " Scorpious grabbed Lily's waist automatically and flipped them over so Lily was straddling his waist.

Lily could feel Scorpious between her legs and she bit her lip, trying to supress the feelings boiling in the pit of her stomach.

She moved her hips a bit, trying to lean off of Scorpious.

Scorpious inhaled sharply as Lily pushed against him.

"Lily..." He groaned urgently.

"What? Did I hurt you?" She whispered frantically.

"No. Just; don't move... Please." He muttered, looking at her pleadingly.

"Oh." She exhaled, blushing. "Sorry."

Scorpious shook his head at her, his heart beating erratically.

He sat up slowly, leaning closer to Lily.

Lily sat, unmoving on his lap as he leaned towards her.

He paused mere inches from her face and just watched her, his eyes flicking from her eyes, to her lips and back.

Lily bit her lip lightly, watching Scorpious' hungry eyes.

After a moment of just sitting there, Lily hesitantly leant forward.

Scorpious watched her, unsure if she had the same idea as him.

When Lily's lips brushed against Scorpious' they moved in sync.

Their lips collided in frantic movements. Their tongues moving against each other; tasting; testing.

After what had seemed like ages they pulled apart, both panting.

Scorpious held Lily's face carefully in his hands, as Lily's arms were wrapped around his neck.

Lily pulled away and stood up.

"I'm sorry. I-" Lily broke off as her emotions threatened to overpower her.

"No, it's okay Lil, I shouldn't –" Scorpious said but Lily interrupted him.

"You didn't. I- I have to go." Lily said as she turned and ran from the room.

Scorpious tried to run after her, but lost her quickly.

What had just happened? They both thought.

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