Chapter 6- The Makeup

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A few days past and I didn't hear anything from Brontë. But Cooper has come round every day after school on his way home to keep me company. He was such a good boyfriend. He was exactly what I had needed all these years to keep me control. When I'm around him I feel safe and secure. I feel like I can finally be myself and do what I want to. Brontë had also not been turning up to scouts too which was sad because it was OUR thing I guess. It's just not something I wanted to let go of just yet. So instead Cooper joined scouts so I wasn't alone. I hate this. I had to make it right. So on the following Tuesday night I went to Brontë's house and was greeted by Chloe and Lucy who seemed so happy to see me. "You're not mad at me?" I ask them, trying it to cry? "No way! It was so sweet what you did for Cooper. Only if Brontë could see what you did was for the best reason!" Chloe said. Leading me the way to Bronte's bedroom. I knock on the door to the sound of crying coming from inside. "She's been like that for days. She really didn't want to loose you emma" Lucy said.
"I didn't want to loose her. I still want to be friends with her! She's my best friend! I didn't mean anything I said I swear! I love her too much to let her go now" I sob. The crying stopped and the door slowly opened. "Emma... what are you doing here?" Brontë sobs.
"I came to say sorry. I didn't mean anything the other day I swear!" I stutter. "Emma, it's fine. I'm really sorry for hurting Cooper's feelings" she says, trying to smile.
"It's fine. Jus talk to me in future. Don't make silly mistakes like that ok?" I try to reason with her.
"Ok. Thank you" She said tearing up again.
"So what do you say. Why don't we go to scouts? Cooper is already there. It could be a chance to say sorry and tell him the truth about what happened" I say.
"Ok. Let's do it. Thank you Emma"!"
So we go to scouts and it went a lot better than I even thought it would. We are all friends again. Cooper and me are dating. Brontë and Jack are now dating! We are all happy. Jack and Cooper remained as friends and we were all ok. Until later on.... when we went to camp...

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