Chapter Six

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Later that night, after studio recording, I was hungry and bored with nothing to do. I had been at the farmers market again, I cleaned up my trailer, which is actually a lot larger than you would think when hearing the word ‘trailer’, I replied to so many emails, and I even studied the indigenous cultures of Atlanta Georgia to kill time.

I’ve always been intrigued by indigenous cultures because it’s such a cool thing to understand your surroundings just to know that in case anything ever happened, you would be able to find your own food and survive by yourself. Indigenous cultures survived and thrived with the herbs and plants and spring water that grew in their own location instead of having a supermarket on every corner. I think that’s very beautiful, and I was curious what would be different in Atlanta than in the places I usually stay.

I found myself on my couch, twiddling my thumbs, thinking of something else to do to kill time. I’ve gotten kind of used to filming and doing things nonstop, so when I have a whole day with mostly nothing to do, it’s weird.

I decide to call Zoe Kravitz. Zoe is a cool girl... I know she is known for partying and hanging with rappers, in fact, I’m pretty sure she was with Miley Cyrus the other day. Most people might say that me, the "clay eating oil rubbing no shoe wearing herbalist" and Zoe would make weird friends, but she is so open and happy spirited, I love being around her.

"Yo!" She answers.

"What are you doing right now?" I hear music in the background. Maybe someone’s already over?

"Dancing all alone in my trailer!" She laughs.

"Ahhh that’s awesome! Come over dude, we’ll dance together. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, kind of."

"I’ll make us something."

"I’ll be over in ten!" She hangs up.

I throw my phone onto the couch and stand up to rummage through my refrigerator. I could make us a greek salad with the fresh arugula leaves I picked up today, but the taste is kind of strong, and I don’t know if she would like it. I quickly decide on chicken and asparagus crepes. I just have to shred the rotisserie chicken I bought from an organic butcher two days ago, add ricotta cheese and a few of my choice herbs, and stuff it all into fried crepes. All topped with fresh asparagus and a lemony sauce. It tasted so good the last-

Someone barged through my door, and I jumped, smacking my head on the freezer. "Gahh, Zoe! You scared the shit out of me! When you said I’ll be there in ten I thought you meant minutes not seconds."

She laughs, placing her hands on her hips. "Oops! Why would it take me ten minutes? All I had to do was turn off my music. I’m not changing out of my sweatpants or tshirt for you Shai! Sorry."

I grin back at her. "As long as you’re cool with me not putting on a bra or shoes for you."

She winks at me. "I brought a mini stereo for my phone. I’m gonna play some music."

She sets her phone and stereo down on the table and presses play. Some pop/rap song immediately starts playing loudly. I don’t really listen to this type of music, but it’s nice occasionally.

"I hope you meant what you said about the dancing!" She starts jumping up and down crazily, waving her arms in the air.

I laugh and skip over and join her. "Of course I was sista!"

I always love dancing. You can just be crazy and do whatever you feel like. Dancing always makes you smile and laugh and observe your surroundings like everything is in high definition. It makes you feel so present and in the NOW. You feel extra conscious about the fact that nothing will ever happen in the past or in the future, every little thing that you worry about or are guilty about, it will all happen in the now, so there is no point in dwelling over them. When you let go of everything, you receive everything.

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