night of the living plant

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Summary : Penny talks to Audrey II and the plant coerces her to feed it


Another day, another thousands of people coming to see the Audrey II. People pressed up against the glass doors to see it. It had seemingly exploded overnight. It grew so big.

Seymour had been acting suspicious lately. His fingers were heavily bandaged and sometimes I could hear him muttering "No, no more. No more killing." at night. And since both Orin and Mushnik had disappeared he'd been getting stranger. I was really creeped out. I just hoped it would stop soon.

It was a warm night, unusually warm for mid-October. Audrey and Seymour were out on a date (another new, stranger thing, but a welcome one), leaving me alone at the shop. 

I was laying in my basement cot, reading a teen magazine. I was just finishing the "which Beatle is your perfect match" quiz (it was George Harrisom, in case you wanted to know. No arguments from me on that) when I heard a deep voice from upstairs croon.

"Feed me.."

I knew it was dumb to go and look, but I did anyways. At first the voice didn't seem to come from anywhere, but then the large jaws of Audrey II opened.

"Feed me.." the plant groaned.

"S-Seymour's never said what you eat.." I stuttered, scared out of my wits.

"That's for you to figure out, honey."

The plant's vines snaked up her legs and she pushed them off.

"I already have to deal with pervert humans daily. I really don't want to deal with a pervert plant daily, either," I said, angrily.

"If you feed me, you can get out of here and away them," Audrey II said.

The offer sounded really promising. 

"Alright, then, what do you eat?"


I stood in the bathroom, a pair of scissors ready to slice my pale skin.

"Penny! We're back!" Seymour called.

I ran out, hiding the scissors behind my back.

"H-hi," I said.

"What've ya got with ya hun?" asked Audrey.


"Penny, show us," Seymour said, his voice calm and collected.

I showed them the scissors.

"Penny, hun, what did you plan to do with these?"

"The plant promised to get rid of my problems if I fed it...and he eats blood," I whispered.

Seymour paled and Audrey looked sick. I'm guessing she knew too.

"Don't ever feed that plant. It's not worth it," he ordered.


"No buts."

I nodded, robotically, and made my way downstairs, not sure I could keep the promise.

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