Chapter 1

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Camp Half Blood was having a Halloween party to celebrate the arrival of all the new half bloods, and everyone at camp had to go. The party had started at nine o'clock that night and it was still going strong by midnight. Everyone was dressed up in scary costumes, exept for the Aphrodite children they turned thier costumes into beautiful or sexy creatures of the night. Everyone was dressed up, laughing, and having a good time with all of their friends. Everyone exept a boy who stood in the darkness by himself. He wasn't dressed up in a costume but he was far more scary than anyone at the party. He had on black skinny jeans, a pair of black converse, a black shirt with a grinning skull on the front, and a midnight black high collared jacket with four silver spikes on each shoulder, and of course he had his signature skull ring on.

He was leaning against a tree just inside the farthest reachs of the light, so he was barely visable. He was watching everyone dancing and laughing with a scowl on his face and a darkness in his eyes. After staying at the tree for awhile he got board and decided he would go grab some punch and then hightail it to his cabin. As he shifted through the crowd of campers he finally reached the punch bowl and filled a cup up. As soon as he finished his drink he tossed the cup away and began to walk away, but something hit him in the back of the head. He turned around and scanned the crowd and spotted the campers that had thrown the object at him, they were howling with laughter. Anger and bitterness took a hold of Nico and he bent down and retrived the rock that he had been hit with. Using his power over darkness he shadow traveled behind the laughing campers and said "Who threw the rock" in a cold tone. Instantly the campers turned around and their laughter stopped instantly, replaced with wide eyes and fearful expressions.

The party stopped and everyone watched Nico and the three campers that had thrown the rock. Nico said very slowly "Which one of you threw this rock at me" still in a cold and exspressionless tone. He watched the three boys looking as two of them glanced at the boy in the middle. A hollow laugh echoed out of Nicos mouth and he stepped towards the boy in the middle, who coward and took a step back. Nico held the rock out to the boy and said " You threw this at me didn't you". The boy said "N-N-No I didn't". Nico scowled and said " Don't lie to me, I know you threw it, your friends confirmed that". Then anger appeared on the boys face and he charged at Nico. Nico side stepped and tripped the boy leaving him sprawled on the ground with a mouthful of dirt, and making him angrier then before. The boy stood up and glared at Nico, and of course being the son of Hades, Nico had a glare that could kill. The boys glared at eachother and then Nico faked throwing the rock at the boy, who instinctivly brought his arms up to protect himself. Nico closed the distance between himself and the other boy before anyone could blink an eye, and slammed his fist into the boys gut, causing the boy to double over in pain then as the boy doubled over Nico slammed his knee into the boys face and walked away, leaving the boy sprawled on the ground with blood coming out of his nose. "Make sure you know who you throw at next time" Nico said as he faded into the darkness.

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