Chapter 2

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The next day Nico had packed up his belongings (which wasn't very many things, just enough to fit into his backpack) and walked outside. He walked by himself up Half Blood Hill and was stopped by a centaur who happened to be the camps instructor Chiron. "Leaving already?" he asked. "I have stayed the amount of time you required me to" Nico said "I do not wish to stay any longer, I have my own buisness to attend to Chiron and I have a feeling you have some buisness of your own to deal with".  The centaur only nodded and Nico walked down the other side of the hill, got on his motorcycle, and drove away.

That was how Nico dealt with his problems, he ran away from them and stayed away from them until they finally went away. Nico spent his time traveling the world or working for his father in the underworld. Nicos' mother had been italian, so he of course was italian but his father was greek... very greek. But his father did not have a last name so Nico kept his mothers last name, and he would have kept it any way because he liked it. Di Angelo... that was his last name, in italian it meant The Angel.  But Nico wasn't an angel of the light, no he was an angel of darkness, one who took lives instead of saving them.

He could use his shadow traveling while on his motorcycle so he could drive anywhere he wanted to. And now that he had mastered his shadow ability, he could shadow travel as far and as often as he wanted with out passing out. The mastery of the ability had been a gift from his father on his sixteenth birthday. One of the few presents he had ever gotten from anyone.  So using his ability Nico traveled all over the world, usually to quiet, sucluded areas, ones that usually that no one knew about.

He was sitting quietly and thinking in one of these remote places when an iris message appeared before him, showing the bearded face of a centaur. "Nico" the centaur said "I need you to return to camp immideatly, we have some pressing matters to descuss...  family matters".  As soon as he heard family the centaur had Nicos full attention, "what about my family" Nico snarled, "come to camp and we will talk in further detail" the centaur said calmy and swiped his hand through the mist, ending the message. Nico stood and put on his motorcycle helmet on , mounted his motorcycle, and began his drive back to camp Half Blood.

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