Chapter 40 - A Confrontation with The Past

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Kikyo managed to move herself where her back was resting upon a tree. She didn't know where man disappeared to. He had been gone for quite sometime. Suddenly, she saw someone enter the clearing. It was the hatted figure, however, he wasn't alone. She felt a familiar presence behind him as they made their way to the clearing. As they got closer, she saw a familiar white and green uniform and black hair with a blue tint. She automatically knew who it was. It was her reincarnate. Kagome.

The priestess narrowed her eyes as the two crossed the clearing. 'What was she doing here?' she said to herself inwardly as the walked toward her. 'Was she there the whole time?' she thought to herself as her eyes slightly widening at such revelation. Her eyes then shifted to the tall figure. 'What is he going to do? He isn't going to do what I think he is, is he?' she thought in panic.

Naruto felt the priestess panic and strife as him and Kagome approached them. "Do not worry, Lady Kikyo. I promise any harm will not come to you. You have my word." he said as the grew closer. Kikyo still looked at him uneasily, unconvinced of his words.

When Kagome and Naruto got to where Inuyasha and Kikyo were, Kagome made her way to the still unconscious hanyou. However, before she could move towards him, she was stopped by Naruto.

"I will wake him up." Naruto said as he placed a firm hand on her shoulder. The miko looked up at him and reluctantly nodded her head. Said miko went and stood a couple of feet from the inu, placing his unconscious form between her and the dead priestess.

Naruto walked over to the unconscious hanyou and squatted down so he could get a better look. His eyes landed on the two senbon that were embedded in his neck. He quickly removed the senbon and pressed on a pressure point on his neck. The hanyou suddenly jolted up with a large gasp and eyes stretched wide.

"Kikyo!" He yelled as he quickly jumped up onto his feet. By this time, Naruto was a few feet from him.

Inuyasha looked around frantically. All he remember was seeing Kikyo before he felt something prick the side of his neck and he all of a sudden went unconscious. He looked around for danger and went to reach for his Tetsusaiga. His eyes widened when he didn't feel it there. 'What the hell?' he said as he continued to look around. His sword was long forgotten when his eyes landed on a familiar ghastly form.

"KIKYO!" he cried out as he was swiftly by her side. She was leaning against a tree, panting from being energy deprived.

"Inuyasha." Kikyo said through light pants as he arrived by her side.

"What happened to you?" he said worriedly as he looked at her tired form. "Who did this to you?" he said, becoming angry at the states she was in.

Before Kikyo could respond to any of his question, another voice spoke. "Ah, ah, ah, Inuyasha. Your business is no longer with the priestess. It is with me." a familiar voice said.

Inuyasha quickly turned to source of the voice and saw someone he definitely didn't have the pleasure of seeing at the moment. A few feet of him was a tall figure dressed in all black with a staff in his hand and a large conical hat on his head. Inuyasha stood and narrowed his eyes at the cloaked figure.

"What the hell are you doing here?" the hanyou growled out, bearing his canines.

Naruto looked down at the hanyou lazily, his 6'3" frame towering his 5'9". It honestly amused him how such weaklings thought of themselves as powerful and even superior to other beings. It didn't help that this specific being was not only a fool, but an idiot. Naruto was sure he could take him out with his ninja abilities alone. The former ninja just stared at the angry hanyou blankly, not really threatened by his temper.

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