Chapter 72 - Old Friend

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It's been a few weeks since Inuyasha announced their engagement. When he announced it at camp, everyone stared at him for before they happily congratulated him. Sango squealed at Kagome and drug her off to talk about what happened and wedding plans. Miroku gave Inuyasha a pat on the back while everyone else made comments saying that they were a cute couple and joked that they thought Inuyasha would never ask. The only person that didn't seem to thrilled about the news was Kikyo.

While she did congratulate them, she decided to retire early for the night and went back to her hut. No one heard from her the next day, which worried Kaede and Inuyasha. Since then, the priestess had talked even less, only doing so when she had to. She even stopped confiding in her sister. When Kaede asked her of it, she either dodged the question or told her she was fine and not to worry about her. Of course, this did not sooth her concerns.

Inuyasha and Kaede wasn't only ones who saw her slight change in behavior. Kagome had also seen her retire from the camp early. During their training sessions, the priestess didn't speak often. If she had questions, Kikyo would answer them in curt responses. The priestess wouldn't even look her in face anymore.

When she asked Lady Kaede about it, the old miko said that she just needed to time, to adjust that is. Kagome was a little saddened by this. She knew what the priestess had to adjust to. She had a feeling that it was about her and Inuyasha's marriage. However, it did slightly confuse her.

From what Inuyasha had told, the priestess hadn't spoken much to him since the time she left. He thought that she hated him. So if she did, why was she reacting to their marriage that way? Did she still love him? Had she not let him go? While the answers to those questions appeared obvious, Kagome never forgot that night Naruto made Inuyasha choose. Naruto's words never escaped her and she realized that sometimes things were more complex than they appeared.

'Did Inuyasha choose me?' Kagome thought to herself as she reflected upon that night. The hanyou never did tell her what happened after she had left the clearing. All she knew was that he had chased after her on her way back to camp. The miko shook her head of those thoughts. She would be getting married soon. She did not need to think of such thoughts. She was sure Kikyo would be okay. Inuyasha had made his decision. If she didn't like it, then it was her issue to bare. However, she couldn't help the itch at the back of her mind that was telling her that there was something more.

Kagome sighed as she filled the container up with water before standing. Her and Inuyasha would be getting married tomorrow. It is supposed to take place late in the morning. Today, the villagers were putting the finishing touches to prepare both the ceremony and celebration after the wedding. Also, there would be guests that will arriving between today and the morning to the attend their wedding. She had chosen her dress last week when her, Sango, and Kaede traveled to one of the nearby villages to have it made. She was both excited and nervous about the wedding. She was finally going to have what she had returned to the feudal era for. Her Inuyasha.

She smiled to herself as she walked away from the bank of the river and to the bridge. Some of the villagers smiled at her and waved as she walked through the village. She returned the gesture. She was heading to Kaede's hut to meet her. During their training this morning, she asked her to come by this evening. She mentioned something about words of wisdom and had some concerns about the ceremony.

Kagome continued to walk through village, watching everyone go about their daily lives when the miko finally made to the bottom of the mountain. Where Kaede's hut was located. She knocked on the door. A couple seconds later, the door opened, revealing a gray haired older woman wearing a miko's uniform. Her eyes clicked in recognition and she offered a small smile to her visitor.

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