A Bizarre play

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Luthor sat in his office. He was awaiting an important business call. After his visit from Batman last week, he'd decided to step up plans. Project Doomsday was to go live within the year. Of course, first, the initial test subject had to be deployed.

He'd tested the effects of the Lazarus concoction on Human cells, but today they were exposing it to the Kryptonian cells of subject B-0. He'd only seen the clone once. So similar to Superman, yet some subtle differences. The figure had been given a costume similar to the Man of steel's, but with a darker colour pallet and an inverted symbol. Something to differentiate him from Superman, to tell the world that this was something else.

Something better.

As he leant back in his chair, there was a tremor. Then another. And another. After a moment, Lex saw something in the distance. Smoke, coming from the direction of the underground Cadmus lab he'd appropriated for the use in project Doomsday. It could never be traced back to him, but it could cause unforeseen complications.

"Mercy," He said as he picked up the phone "bring the car round. I want to get to the bunker immediately."

"Sure thing, Lex." Came the voice of his assistant.

Lex sighed. It looked like the wish of his partner to get an adversary for Superman was going to come to fruition sooner than planned.


Clark stepped out onto the roof of the Daily Planet. After the tremor a short time ago, he'd made an excuse about going to the bathroom. He ripped open his shirt, revealing the symbol underneath, before spinning on the spot, changing into his uniform.

He crouched down, before shooting up into the air. He began scanning the skyline, looking for some sign of things. After a second, he spotted smoke coming from down by the docks. He angled himself and shot down towards it, faster than a speeding bullet.

As he got within range, an object struck him at high speed, sending him hurtling into the STAR Labs building. Clark shook his head, slightly dazed; whatever had hit him had hit hard. He looked up at his attacker and gasped.

It was like looking at a distorted image of himself. It wore a navy and crimson version of his suit, the 'S' shield inverted. The figure's skin was white and cracked, as if made of stone. The figure roared before charging Clark, this time having it's attack deflected as Clark threw it up into the sky, charging after it and smacking it back down to Earth.

"Stand down!" Clark said, his eyes glowing red as he descended to the level of the figure, which was shaking off his attack like it was a bee sting "If I wanted it, you'd be dead already."

"B-0 like big man." The figure said, it's voice deep "B-0 keep you alive!"

"Well, that's nice, all things considered, but-" Clark began, before the figure, B-0, flew at him faster than a speeding bullet, smacking him into the ground, before firing blue beams at Clark's chest, ice quickly forming on it "What the-"

B-0 threw him across the city before Clark could finish his sentence, tackling him down into the heart of the city. B-0 spat flame at Clark, Clark taking the brunt of the attack. It was easily as hot as his heat vision, possibly hotter. He stood there, facing down the figure

"Kent," Came a voice over the Justice League communications earpiece Clark had inside his ear "you've got incoming. ETA now."

Clark looked around, before seeing a red and yellow streak hitting B-0, followed by another beige and red streak impacting the figure. The two streaks slowed, revealing Barry Allen and his new partner, Jesse Chambers, or Impulse as they were calling her. Clark was glad to see they'd taken his advice on using the last Impulse suit seen as opposed to the costume design she'd come up with, which had been much closed to Wonder Woman's; it had sacrificed practicality for style, something which Clark had done himself in the past.

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