Chapter 2

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"Roman! Roman!" The urgent whine came from the door, and he sprung up in bed. What the... She didn't sound like herself. Roman was out of the bed faster than she could call out his name again. "Roman! Can't find the keys!" Charlie sighed as he opened the door and she pretty much fell on him. She smelled like cheap vodka and the only thing keeping her on her feet was him. "Ro... Oh, you are here." She giggled as she glanced up on him, her hands clutching his t-shirt.

"Come on, let's get you inside." He chuckled and pulled her lightly after him, closing the door behind her. He was going to kick her friends' ass for letting her home alone at a state like this.

"You're so fucking hot." She frowned up at him as they stopped in front of the couch. "You really are." Her brows knitted like this was the first time she noticed this.

"Aha, sit." He pushed her lightly on the shoulders and untangled her fingers from his t-shirt.

"No, really!" She smacked his hand away and stood up, swaying slightly. "Look at you! The jaw! Wow!" She grabbed his jaw, nodding approvingly. "And holy shit! You have dimples! Dimples are making me weak in the knees." She sighed dreamily as she pinched his cheek before he caught her hand again and pushed her back to the couch.

"What did you drink?"

"I had... two Screaming Orgasms and Sex On The Beach and a Royal Fuck... I might want a Screaming Orgasm again. Can you give me one?" Roman growled, shaking his head mentally as he walked into the kitchen to get her a glass of water. If only she didn't look so fuckable in those shorts and top. "You're so freaking fucking hot." She mumbled again and he raised his eyes to the ceiling when her tongue slowly ran over her lower lip. Don't think of those full lips wrapping around your cock.

"You really are so fuckable." She grinned and he looked down at her with a shake of his head.

She looked so soft with her creamy skin and blonde hair, her big blue eyes so vulnerable through the drunken haze. If she wasn't drunk and she wasn't his best friend's little sister... Stop it, he growled mentally and let the cold water run over his hands to cool off a little bit.

"I... I'm not feeling all that well." Oh, crap, he knew exactly what was coming. He rushed across the room, grabbed Charlie and hurried her to the bathroom. Roman pushed the toilet open but it was too late, she was throwing up before he could get her on her knees. In spite of his best attempt to pull her hair out of the way, even that ended up covered with her puke at some parts. She bent into two over the bowl and emptied her stomach completely.

"Are you good?" He asked, letting go of her hair and dampening a towel for her.

"You are hot and I'm covered in puke." She grimaced and he nodded slowly. This was surely the theme of the night.

"Come on. I'll put you to bed." He took her hand and pulled her up, only to have her stumble in her stupidly high heels and fall against him one more time, this time around smudging him with vomit. "Great." He made a face as he looked down at his t-shirt.

"I want a shower. I stink, can't sleep like this." She complained and started pulling her top off.

"Oh... Wow... Wait a sec..." He grabbed the hem of the top and pulled it back down. "Maybe, rest a little and try after." She just threw up, there was nothing hot about the pieces in her hair but those would be washed off very quickly and soon she wouldn't smell like rotten milk and whilst Roman hardly ever looked at Charlie as a woman, he wasn't made of steel and seeing her half naked was not exactly high on his list, especially that it seemed to be one of those nights he couldn't just look at her as his Charlie. It was his own weakness for seeing her vulnerable.

"If you don't let me wash this smell off, I'm going to throw up again," she threatened with a pout and he nodded. That was fair enough, he had a strong stomach but this was hideous.

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