Chapter Two

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Besides starting at a new school my day so far has been uneventful. For my first day I've been doing pretty good, I already made a friend named Minho who promised to introduce me to his friends at lunch. Everyone in this school is nice, but I haven't talked to many people.

'Hey, you there?' I think, hoping for a response. When none comes I sigh and continue walking towards the cafeteria. I'm nervous about meeting Minho's friends. Trying to distract myself I focus in on my soulmates thoughts. 'If I don't finish this and leave soon I'm going to be late for lunch. And I'm not in the mood to be hounded because I'm late. M-' my soulmates thoughts leave my mind immediately when someone calls my name. "Hey Minho." I say as I walk towards the buff boy.

"Why were you just standing in the hallway like that?" Minho asks as I catch up to him. "I was nervous so I was listening to my soulmates thoughts. It always helps calm me down." I admit. Minho's the first friend I've made here and I don't want to lie to him. "Oh, you still haven't found your soulmate yet?" He asks. I nod my head yes. "Well that's all good. You've still got plenty of time to find her or him." He reassures me.

"It's a him." I say. Hopefully he doesn't judge the fact that I'm apparently gay. "Well, you'll find him eventually." He smiles at me before patting my back and pulling me towards the cafeteria, "But for now put the soulmate stuff out of your mind and let's go and get to lunch."

"Good that"

I make it to lunch on time to see Minho walking in with a blonde boy. That must be the new kid. I think Brenda said his name was Newt.

"Hey guys," Minho says when he reaches our table, "this here is the greenie Newt. Be nice to him." Newt stands there awkwardly for a moment. I should help him out, I know what it's like to be new and nervous.

"Hey Newt, you can come sit next to me." I pat the seat next to me. He smiles a small smile before sitting next to me. "Thanks...?"

"Thomas." I say, holding my hand out for him to shake. "Thanks Thomas." I'm taken away by the accent. God it's adorable, and why does it seem like I've heard a similar voice before?

"I like your accent. It's really cute." I blurt out. Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud. He blushes lightly, a smile, a genuine smile, overtaking his face.

"Hey Thomas, mind introducing us?" Brenda asks from across the table. I laugh nervously. "Oh yeah, I totally forgot. Newt, meet Brenda," I gesture to Brenda, "and Teresa." Newt looks over at Teresa and she gives him a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you Newt."

"You too, you all seem really nice." Newt says, looking around the table. When Newts eyes land on me I see a mixed expression overtake his face. We look at each other for what feels like a lifetime when Minho very loudly coughs. I look away from Newt, a blush forming on my cheeks.

"You guys done staring at each other?" Minho asks, smirking. "We were not staring at each other!" I protest. "What's your definition of staring? Because that was definitely staring." I roll my eyes at him and look over at Newt, who's hiding his face with his hands, a blush showing on his pale skin.

"Now, Minho, if you pay attention this is staring." I look at Newt as intensely as I can. He looks back at me, clearly confused about what's happening. As I stare intensely at him I feel a feeling of undeniable want. My eyes trace over every feature of his face. His dark brown chocolatey eyes, fluffy blonde hair that swoops over his forehead, and his light pink lips. He looks unsure and curious, and when I see his eyes drift down to my lips, I hear someone loudly gag. We both look away from each other quickly. I'm blushing madly now and I'm sure he is too. Damn why did I have to go and act all confident.

"Okay okay, I surrender, please stop having sex through eye contact." I laugh and the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. "Hey Newt, what class do you have next?" Newt looks at me shyly, "English." He says, his voice coming out barely above a whisper. I smile at him. "Well Newt, you are a lucky man, because I have English too." Grabbing my things I stand up and wait for Newt to join me.

"Come on, i'll walk with you." He stands up and we start to walk towards the exit.

"Thanks, Tommy."

a/n please don't cringe too hard. This is all I have that is pre-written so I'll need to write more (sorry lol) I'll try and have a new chapter up soon though. :)

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