Chapter Three

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Newts POV
"Tommy, huh?"

Thomas speaks to me but it sounds far away. I'm so embarrassed it's hard to get my ears to focus on what he is saying. I hadn't meant to say that out loud.

"Hey newt, don't freak out. I kind of like it. I've just never had someone call me that before." He looks over at me kindly. "I- I didn't mean to say that. Sorry."

"You don't need to apologize Newt, and I take back what I said before, I don't kind of like it, I really like it. Don't be embarrassed."

I feel a deep blush forming and I look shyly at Thomas. Every time I look at him it's like all the air leaves my lungs. He's one of the most perfect people I've ever laid my eyes on.

"Okay then, Tommy. If you don't mind, i'd like to call you that from now on." He smiles brightly at me and I feel my heartbeat quicken. I shouldn't be feeling this way, I have a soulmate somewhere out there and I can't be liking someone else.

"I don't mind at all."

I momentarily push that thought away.
"Good, then it's settled. From now on I'll call you Tommy." I grin happily from my victory as we both seem to inch closer so that our arms brush as we walk. When we make it to class I've never been more disappointed to feel someone leave my side.


The day goes by rather plainly. Classes are boring, as expected, and the fact that I don't know that many people causes me to be alone most of the day. I'm walking to my locker to put everything away and trudge home when someone runs up to me.

"Newt, hey Newt wait up!" I look around the crowded hallway, trying to find the owner of the voice. When my eyes meet Tommy I feel something light up in me. It's like everything seems slightly brighter than moments before, and I can't help but feel nervous. Why? I'm not sure yet.

"Hey Tommy!" I yell over to him. He laughs at something and it takes me a moment to notice how people are moving to create a pathway between us. Tommy walks through the pathway, smiling brightly.

"The seas have opened up for you." I say, pretending to bow down, "yes they have. People must have known that I needed to get to someone important." His voice is painted with humor. I look up at him, heat overtaking my face. "Someone important, huh?"

"I believe so." I don't know what to say to that. I stand there for a minute, looking at Tommy, speechless. He clears his throat and I avert my eyes. "Hey so uh, I actually came over here to ask you something,"

"Go ahead." I say, still avoiding eye contact.

"So," he hesitates, "Minho's throwing a party tonight, and I was wondering if you'd like to come with me. Minho and his friends are cool and all but I like taking to you and I think it could be fun and-"

"That sounds fun, I'd love to go with you." I feel the heat creep up onto my face again at me using the word love. When I finally look into his eyes I feel the world stop. He's looking at me with excitement, a huge smile on his face, and I can't help but feel that he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I want to stare into his chocolatey eyes for eternity, but I find that my gaze leaves his when I think of the fact that my soulmate is still out there, and that nothing can happen with Thomas.

"Okay, Okay cool. I'll pick you up around 8, sound good?" He asks. I nod, "see you later Tommy."

"Y-Yeah. Yeah I'll see you later." He stumbles backwards and I laugh softly. If only someone like Thomas could be mine in a world like this.

a/n heyyy so I know this chapter is kind of short, I've actually been writing bits and pieces of this throughout the week but I feel like this is probably a good time to stop writing for now. The next chapter will be the whole party chapter and it will hopefully be longer as well :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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