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GEORGE STACY had lost the will to live on.

His wife had died tragically years earlier, during the god forsaken events of the Battle of New York.

Aliens had invaded the city as it burned to pieces. And while the Avengers were too busy saving the day, Helen Stacy was buries under a pile of rubble, no one to hear her cries for help.

So naturally, George came to hate the superhero-based society. Furthermore, he hated himself for not being there for the mother of his child.

The love of his life was gone, no way to return.

After the loss of his wife, Helen, he found solace in the presence of his daughter.

Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy was a precious gift from god. She was so much like her late mother. Inheriting her long locks of light blonde hair, and her ocean blue eyes. Gwen wasn't just a beautiful young lady, no, she was intelligent, driven and talented.

Despite losing her mother at a young age, Gwen had an unbelievably kind heart, and the most innocent of smiles. George honestly didn't know how someone so sweet and graceful would sprout from his crude genetic pool, but obviously, once again, she took after her mother.

While most teenage girls were out going through whatever rebellious phase, she would stay in her room, studying and patiently awaiting for him to come home from patrol. He would always catch that sigh of relief that left her lips whenever he got home, as if she was on edge from fear that he might not return. He was all she had, and the same could be said for him. He couldn't afford to lose her, so he quit his job as captain at the NYPD, and left New York with her. The city where everything bad seemed to happen. And they relocated in France.

George was a red blooded American, and he loved his country, but he couldn't stay in the country where the so called 'superheros' did whatever they pleased, heeding no mind to the casualties their battles lead to. So he took his daughter to the place where her mother was from, to protect her and keep her safe.

But he couldn't do that either.

Yet another tragedy struck him when a horrific alien by the name of Thanos invaded Earth, and wiped half of all intelligent life from existence.

And his Gwendy was one of them.

Former Captain Stacy wasn't even there when it happened, he didn't see when Gwen disintegrated into thousands of pieces and scattered into nothing. But he was in the godawful street, watching in horror as it happened to the people around him.

He'd rushed home that fateful night five years ago, frantically going inside the apartment, hoping, praying that she would greet him like usual.

But she didn't.

Gwen Stacy was wiped from existence. Gone just like her mom. And both of them had left him, all alone.

He'd contemplated ending it all on numerous occasions over the years, just so he could be reunited with his family. But he was a man of god, and he knew it wasn't right. So he just had to be patient. He had to try and move on with whatever was left of his life.

But moving on wasn't so easy. Even after five years, he still didn't find it in him to empty her room. To go through her stuff one by one and deciding whether he'd want to keep it or not.

He'd went to support groups, to try and connect with people going through what he is. Everyone had lost someone to the decimation, but it was different for him. He lost everything.

Tonight, like so many others, he sat in the dining room. The depressing sound of a single fork making contact with his plate echoed throughout the room as he ate his dinner. He sighed before turning on the TV, not to watch anything, but to provide a background of sounds around him, to cast an illusion that he wasn't all alone.

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