Chapter 2: Boredom

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Jiho walked toward the kitchen, sighing. Why did she reject me? She seemed into me last night. Maybe it was a mistake? He sighed as he took out the jug of milk from his refridgerator. At least I made a new friend... I think. Would have preferred it to be a girl though, but oh well.

Jiho took a sip of the milk and put it back. He pulled out his phone and layed down on his couch. Out of boredom, he called his friend, Yukwon, even though he was sure he was busy.


Jiho jumped in shock. Yukwon picked up in less than 5 seconds. He told Jiho that he would be busy around this time.

"You told me you were busy? Why are you on your phone?" Jiho asked, slightly confused.

"My boss told me that the shooting was cancelled today. The lead actress called in sick last minute." Jiho heard him let out an exasperated sigh.

Kim Yukwon was a slowly growing actor in the film industry. Almost every producer wanted him nowadays, and he barely had time for himself. He used to enjoy dancing and singing, but he always had bad luck when it came to auditions. Companies would always tell him that he's not attractive enough and told him to get plastic surgery. It was a shame because Yukwon was one of the best dancers and singers that Jiho has ever seen and heard, and he wasn't even bad looking.

Fuck the music industry.

"You good? What did your boss do this time?" Jiho heard chuckling on the other line.

"Ah fuck. Did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah. What's up?" Jiho could hear his grin.

"Nothing important. Sorry. Do you have anything else planned today?" Jiho asked, not wanting to remind Yukwon of his awful past.

"No. I'm guessing you want to hang out?"

"Yeah. I'm bored as hell, and that girl from yesterday gave me the wrong number."

"Maybe one of her friends happened to be someone else you slept with." The loudest laugh that Jiho has ever heard blasted through his phone's speakers.

"Shut the fuck up. It's not funny. If that's the case, I hope she doesn't go around telling everyone," Jiho massaged his temple in frustration.

The conversation went dead until Yukwon spoke up.

"When are you ever going to get into a genuine relationship? I'm sorry I keep bringing this up, but I hate seeing you get a new fuck buddy every night. I can tell that you don't truly want that."

"..." Jiho ended the call and stared at the wall. I really do need to get over the past, but I don't know how to. I can't keep doing this to myself, but every time I want something real, I just remember what she told me... There's truly no one out there for me. Jiho groaned, rolled over, and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.


Honestly not feeling this chapter. The next one is way better. I promise. Thank you for reading.

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