Chapter 3: The Intruder

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-Kyung's POV-

Well that was annoying, I thought to myself as I put my phone down.

Okay yeah. I look like a jerk, but my studies are my number one priority. I can't be successful if I'm out partying or even just hanging out with friends. Having friends isn't a requirement. Once I'm successful, then maybe I can do all those things.


I've made a mistake. How could I be so stupid? That person could have been a murderer or a pervert or anything bad, yet I gave him my name and showed him what I looked like. I should have blocked his number and changed mine instead of responding.

I go to my contacts to delete and block 'Jiho's' number, but I drop my phone when I hear a knock.

Oh no. He's coming to get me. How could I be stupid? Why did I do this to myself?

I stay silent, but then I hear the door opening.

I jump and rush to hide under my bed.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

I peak from under my bed and see a man that looks nothing like 'Jiho.' I still stay hidden because this still could be him.

I see a bag get dropped on the ground followed by a coat.


Is that a student ID in his coat? There's a murderer that goes here? Well, looks like I'm transferring. I thought this was a good school.

"I can see your hand. Why are you under there?"

I bump my head against my bed and groan in pain.

Park Kyung, you need to leave in






I rush from under my bed only to be caught by an arm.

Why me?

"Are you okay? Why were you under your bed? Please don't tell me they set me up with a weirdo." 'Jiho' smacks his forehead and goes to pick up his belongings.

"P-please don't hurt me. I-I'll give you e-... set me up?" What does he mean by set me up? Is he a drug dealer?

The mysterious man stares at me and chuckles. "I don't know what you think I am, but I'm your new roommate. I'm Lee Minhyuk. I won't hurt you." The man smiles, showing off his dimple.

I stare at him, not believing a word he said. "I was told that I wouldn't be getting any roommates after I requested it." I fold my arms, still suspicious of this 'Lee Minhyuk.' "Give me proof."

Minhyuk smirks and pulls out his school ID and room key. "I wouldn't lie about this. Everyone that wanted a roommate already had one, so they had to choose from someone who didn't want one. Sorry about that."

I stare in complete disbelief. I turn away and debate with myself for a bit.

Do I stay here, or do I leave? I didn't ask for a roommate, yet they gave me one. This man could be lying and could be this 'Jiho,' but his student ID says otherwise... Maybe he isn't. This college is one of the best schools in South Korea, so I guess I can tolerate having a roommate.

I turn back around, finally having something to say. "I will tolerate you. Do not talk to me unless you need something. I'm focusing on school, and I'm not looking for friends. Okay?"

Minhyuk stares at me in shock. "Wow. Okay? Sounds hard, but I'll try. That's not a promise though." He smirks again and walks closer ro me. "You're strange but a cutie, so I can tolerate you as well." He gives me a cheerful smile before going to unpack.

I blush. I hate this already.


I know this seems like a B-Bomb/Kyung fanfic right now, but I promise it's not. Zico isn't aware of his sexuality yet, and it's not going to be immediate. Also, Kyung isn't aware that Zico is an actual person, and he isn't going to instantly catch feelings. Thank you for reading, and please give me feedback :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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