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The first thing I remember form the start of my life, was this flash of white light. It wasn't blinding, it was just surrounding me, as if I existed in this light. Then the next thing I know, i'm sitting on my fathers lap, in my maternal grandmothers living room. The light form the kitchen stove was on, and so was the TV. A commercial was playing. My parents were joking around, my mother was sitting in a recliner a few feet away form me and my father. My father had told me to go pinch my mother, so I crawled off his lap, making my way over to her and did as my father said. She responded my saying, my fathers name, and laughing about how he always did that. 

Then the memory ended, the next thing I remember, is standing in my grandmothers living room, slipping sandals on, so that I could go play out side with my cousins. It was like a slide shows a memory's going through my head. Me sitting on the couch with my mother while she was pregnant with my brother, coming home form school and making a birthday card for my father, ticker treating in the gorilla costume that I hated. Going to the hospital to see my baby brother, who was two years younger than me, after he was born. Taking pictures at my grandmothers house.  Everything was just flashing by, and they weren't even in order. Some people would probably say that it only seems that way because of how memory seem to jumble up as we get older. But that how I lived it, I was consciously aware of it going on, and the blank spaces in between. It's possible that the shattered memory's is a result of the head injury I had when I was about four.

I remember thinking back to that white light a lot as a child though, because no one else seemed to have a similar experience.  As a kid, I had always believed that there was a place in heaven where your soul went to wait for another body. In my head I called it the "waiting place" and I had always associated that white light, as the waiting place, and the flash of memory was my soul learning everything about the body, when entered it.  There's no real way for me to learn what it was, but as I've gotten older I've just come to except that maybe a lot of my memory's did in fact have something to do with my head injury, which ironically i'm the only one who remembers it occurring.

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