Unknown past

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After Xcalius leading a charge against the Warframes and imprisoning them he put the against three challenges for a change to get their freedom but what he didn't know was that the leader and long lost son was Excalibur.
Xcalius: son... *hugs Excalibur* is so good to see you again... look how big you grown!
Excalibur: *hugs Xcalius back* is good to see you again after all these years... now is the best part we can be a full family again where are the rest of my siblings and where is my mother?
Xcalius: come with me I'll call your siblings to where your going and that's where I want to show you something...
Excalibur: ok...?
Then they both walked to a place where you can say it looked sacred.
Excalibur: father... what is this place?
Xcalius: do you know who is the statue? Who is she?
Excalibur: no...
Xcalius: she was your mother... your original mother...
Excalibur: I remember... but why did you say "original"?
Xcalius: because she was murdered... again by a bounty...
Excalibur: when did it happen?
Xcalius: a week later after you were captured... she was shot from behind...
Excalibur: and by the way let's change this sad story with a happy one so... when are my siblings getting here?
Xcalius: they got here a long time ago they were just watching from the shadows... you can come out now!
Then all four of them came out of the trees
Xcala: good to see that everything worked out *hugs Excalibur and then hugs Xcalius*.
Redus: So this is our long lost brother?
Volryn: well is good to finally meet my brother after all these long years! *hugs Excalibur*
Xcala: well said sister...
Calvore: and what does it matter if he is my brother was lost and why haven't tried looking for us and with that said why return now huh?
Redus: bro chill he was busy with his business now back off!
Calvore: whatever do what you want just don't talk to me.
Volryn: bro come on show some love we haven't seen him since we were little.
Calvore: and yet sister I don't see why he decides to return to us now!
Xcala: *sigh* and there he goes sorry for him, his just a bit on edge with the challenges...
Xcalius: oh that's right we need to free your other family Excalibur come there is much to be done...
Then a female frame came to them.
Shandra: good lords Xcalius why are you with they challengers leader? he is a insult to our kind!
Xcalius: ok Shandra relax is ok I just figured something out he is my lost son...
Shandra: oh really well in that case I'm your mother Shandra tomorrow morning your going to do courtyard duty bye bye now.
Excalibur: wait what? Did I miss something?
Xcala: she's our stepmother... but she like to be called mother as in a normal mother...
Excalibur: oh...
Volryn: she looks out for us and the kingdom but sometimes she is kind of annoying...
Xcalius: ok let's get going.
Then all five of them go to the cell and free the Warframes and everyone was a bit confused...
Ember: is this a trick? *flame up* I don't like tricks like these.
Frost: ok Ember what did we discuss?
Ember: to keep cool...
Frost: good... now proceed...
Excalibur: this is not a trick this is my father and they are my siblings I'm home guys we all are...
Then their com link started to ring and it was Lotus.
Excalibur: oh hey Lotus what is the matter?
Lotus in the recording: Tennos if any of you get this message means I'm not contactable for a few solar cycles I just wanted to tell you that you all were captured from Achillvore this is your home planet I never wanted to keep this a secret I wanted to tell when the time was right I wanted to tell two weeks after you stayed in Achillvore good luck everyone I sent from where you been collected from your home...
Good luck.
Excalibur: and when I thought this was my only home this is the birth place of frames and Warframes.
Volt: great but now what?
Volryn: hey cutie...
Volt: who...? Me?!
Volryn: yes you come with me. *runs off and grabs Volt's hand*.
Volt: Excalibur help me!
Excalibur: just don't kill him sister! *laugh*
Ember: so she is one of your sisters?
Redu: hey how are you doing my lady?
Ember: *blushes* w-who me..?
Excalibur: oh brother....
Xcala: well that our brother Excalibur... you better get used to him.
Redus: So how about it?
Ember: *shudder* sorry I have to go *runs off to the ship*
Redus: wait...
Excalibur: *grabs by the shoulder* let her be she needs some alone time...
Redus: but...
Xcala: no buts now go on find something else to do brother of mine...
Excalibur: So is he always like this?
Xcala: only when he sees another female frame that he falls in love like that by the way is Ember with someone?
Excalibur: she was with Atlas but then they argued over rights and they broke up and now she is with Frost...
Xcala: oh... this is bad... that's why she shudder?
Excalibur: most likely
With Ember and Frost
Ember: then he asked how I was doing I think he was asking me out but I'll never do it.
Frost: it's good to see how much you trust me and to say it back I trust you with my life.
Ember: Don't get all mushy on me
Frost: Fine...
With Shandra
Shandra: ok Excalibur since your new here I will show you around...
Excalibur: I'm not exactly new but I did see part of the city and saw what was where when I ran here...
Shandra: oh ok then I'll show you to your room...
Excalibur: actually my room is with the rest with my fleet...
Shandra: no no no no No you are the elder prince and you are with someone aren't as far as I heard you are supposed to take control of the kingdom!

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