Chapter 6: Four Men & My Bed

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10:13 AM: "I want it over here guys," Cindy states to two men moving her new bed into the apartment. It was one of many furnishings she ordered online.

Her eyes rose to the bare windows letting the morning light in. She took down the curtains as soon as she awoke because she knew a few of her deliveries are expected to arrive today. The bed is the first delivery.

Cindy smiles wondering why she has not got a bed before. It is a funny thought to her but her mind reassures that today is going to be different. Her hands plays along her stomach as her eyes carefully watches the spectacle.

10:14 AM: The first man with green rag in his back pocket is tightening in the bed posts. His aged features do not compare to his fast hands. The wrinkles on his face and hands are as concentrated as his eyes on his task.

The second man with the sweaty brow and a growing beard is putting the wooden beams together. He leans the mattresses against the wall behind the step for support.

The last man is breaking down the large cardboard boxes the bed is in and extracting it from my apartment. His long arms are an asset to his task barely making up the difference with his stumpy legs.

Back and forth they go like little ants running one behind the other.

10:15 AM: "Where would you like these items Miss Hu?" says a fourth man tapping me on my shoulders. A cap covers his face but he seems all to familiar. Cindy smiles at him and points to a spot near the bed. He picks up the frame leaning on his calves and the lamp snugs in his hands with a clipboard resting on top of the lamp.

Cindy steps back to get a better view of her new items as the forth man puts the canvas over the bed. She stirs her coffee she bought at Starbucks moments before they arrived and noticed the fourth man approaching her.

10:16 AM: She has never tried coffee. The taste is bitter and her mouth instantly response by a deep frown.

"Miss, I need your signature as confirmation you received these items," says the fourth man holding out the clipboard. She glances behind him and sees the three men were wrapping up. Two of them were adding on the mattresses. The third man picks up the scrapings of all their workings.

Cindy stomach churns and the feeling of hunger overtakes her while the men are here.

10:17 AM: She puts down her newly brewed cup of coffee and quickly signs the papers. She escorts all four men out of her apartment and she happily returns to her tasty coffee without knowing the door is left slightly open. As she is drinking the last mouthful a part of the cup tears and spills on her blouse and partial of her pants.

Oh no.

The clothes didn't arrive yet. She starts pacing and her brow is moist. There were supposed to arrive yesterday.

10:18 AM: It doesn't matter, she thought to herself. No one is here. She starts to take her top and pants off. Air rushes onto her bare skin.

She hears her door creak and a knock. She spins around in the nude to be greeted by a sight of the fourth man.

10:20 AM: "Miss, you didn't finish signing."

Every hair on Cindy body raises as the man stand outside by her door. He held out the clipboard but she slams the door. Her body stands against the door with her face plastered against its frame. She could not believe this, this was not real, she try reasoning with herself. The man need her signature and she need clothes, but she has none. She open the door with a little crease and stuck her hand out sliding against the door.

"Miss?" He says.

"Just place the papers and the pen into my hands," she answers. The man did what she requests and she slid it back inside. Cindy quickly signed the papers as they delivered and slid it back out. The man found the event odd but he took back the paperwork.

"Than you ma'am, you have a good day," he states and she responds by holding a thumbs up.

She fell against the door and looked up. She catches her breathe and starts looking for her clothes. Her face frowns as she dawns upon her clothes covered in debris from the previous men and some of her tea spilled on her blouse.

10:29 AM: Cindy eyes wander off to the curtains. They're not dirty but they're not clean either, she thought to herself. She felt the material and wondered if they could work. She pull the long curtains down and studied the flexibility and the strength. They were good on both accounts.

10:32 AM: Her mouth frowns and she quickly wrapped the curtains around her body to form an armless dress. She sees a piece of rope and thinks to herself, that could work as a belt. She takes the rope from the art piece and tie it above her breasts in diamond form to her waist. It helps the dress stay fit and gives the illusion the material did not come from her bedding.

It is a small accomplishment but it makes her smile.

10:42 AM: Cindy phone buzzes.

She glances down at the name that brought joy into her life a few days ago. She looks confused because John has not texted her since they first started dating two years ago but lately he is seen glued to his phone every time they met up. Cindy unlocks her phone and a picture of him kissing a girl appears.

10:43 AM: Her smile turns into a frown remembering this isn't the first time he has cheated on her but this is the last time. She closed her phone with her eyes watering.

1:12 PM: "I have a delivery for Hu," states a man standing against the door frame looking at the slip he has attached onto a signing sheet. Cindy smiles at the boxes by his side hoping that her new items have finally arrived. He looks up from the signing sheet grabbing a pen from his pocket.

"Nice dress..." He states watching her DIY curtain dress with the sunlight filtering through showing shadows of her body.

1:14 PM: Cindy immediately feels uncomfortable knowing this is not her usual wear which consisted of jeans and a t-shirt. Her usual wear would allow her to blend in easily, to even be invisible, to be safe within her bubble. This moment, she is more aware of the attention this dress is bringing. This is out of her comfort zone and it makes her feel more uncomfortable. She tries to bring a smile but it became an odd grin.

Cindy avoids his eyes and tilt her head, "I'm Cindy Hu and thanks." He smiles and gives her the paper to sign for her delivery. She signs and hands the paper back. He smiles and grabs the boxes.

He continue smiling and kindly asks her, "Where do you want it Ms. Hu?"

Cindy just points by the couch and he follows her hand. The stomping of his work shoes could be heard three apartments down but she did not mind. It is nice to have company for the short time. He placed the boxes down and looked around. He smiled knowing she is a new resident to this building.

He walk himself to the door and paused, "I'm sure with a face like that, the men must be at your door everyday."

She is astounded at this man statement but she shook her head at his attempt to flirt. He gave her a sad smile and accepted the delivery slip from her hands. Cindy finally looks at the man as he were. She notices his build and his jawline is much like John's. She notices his finger has a wedding ring. She stares at his ring for a while thinking of what has happen with John within a few days.

"The good ones are always taken," she simply states and he blushes at her remark. She close the door and a sad smiles owns her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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