Ch. 1: The Attack

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Lara's POV

'Dammit Alina, why do you have to live halfway across the planet?' I chuckled to myself as I closed the front door of my house.
My long-time BFF Alina lived in the same city as me, but across a modertely sized forest that laid next to my house. I didn't mind walking over in the spring, summer, or even fall at times, but right now the weather hadn't been nice.
The cold nipped away at my face as I walked through my yard and onto the dirt road that on the right lead into, and on the left away from the forest. I looked up at the tall trees and saw them waving side to side with the winds, that were starting to pick up speed. As I crossed the line from road to dirt path, the wind slowed down, blocked by the dark spruce trees. I had a slight bad feeling about this, but I ignored it. I walked back and forth to Alina's so often, why would today go wrong?
I walked further, the wind completely stopping. I was in the middle of the forest now, and it looked like any light that could come in through the leaves was cancelled out. I wanted to turn back, but I was so far along, I just couldn't, I'd take longer than just getting where I needed to be..

That's when I heard it. The growling of a large wolf.

I froze in my steps. No way.. This was gonna be my death. I looked around, still hearing the bassy sound as it rung in my ears. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of how the beast would attack me, and tear me to shreds.


A large figure loomed in the distance, slightly glowing eyes obvious through the darkness. It showed its menacing teeth, consisting of rows of fangs suitable for tearing flesh and breaking bone. It roamed a few meters back from the terrified girl standing in the forest; its prey. It inched closer and closer, the color of its eyes becoming apparent to her. They glowed a rich gold at the edges, with streaks of yellow leading out from the pupils to the edges of the irises. It let a guttural growl escape its throat one more time before it suddenly stopped, looking to its right. A loud howl sounded, shifting pitch a few times.
The girl recognized the vocal range, though she tore her thoughts away from who she suspected it to be. It couldn't.. Right?
Just like that the beast snapped, stomping its huge paws towards the girl as she screamed.
It leaped onto her, shoving her down to the fallen leaves and dirt ground, and started to claw at her face and chest, her eyes shut tight. It left deep rips in her hoodie and top, to the point where skin was revealed through the scratches, and started to flow with blood, staining the fabric with crimson.It bit and tore madly at her right shoulder next, leaving huge wounds from which more blood flowed freely, covering her shoulder and parts of her neck and face.
Her name was called distressedly from the distance.

She confirmed who the howl belonged to now; Radu.

But how could he be.. A werewolf?

She let out a sob between her cries of pain, wishing she'd have stayed home, or atleast gone back.

Her vision blurred as she fought for consciousness, hoping to get rescued.The last thing she saw was the wolf looking up at something, climbing off of her, and running off into the distance.

She heard her name being called one last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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