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    We were all in the living room besides Ace, his boyfriend, who I hadn't caught the name of, and Noodle who was asleep because she hadn't been feeling well. It was probably around 10 or 11 at night. Russel, Murdoc, and I were all squeezed on the decent sized couch. I was in Murdoc's lap, straddling and facing him. Neither of us were paying attention to the movie on the telly, because we were too focused on each other. Russel didn't seem to mind too much surprisingly.

   Muds was smiling at me and pushing strands of blue hair behind my ears. I was smiling back at him with the happiest, dumbest, shyest, most love filled grin ever.

   "How in hell did I manage to get someone as beautiful as you?" He asked quietly. His voice was like silk. I giggled some, knowing my cheeks probably turned pink.

   I leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on his smiling lips. "Because I love you." I said, going to lay my head on his shoulder and burying my face in the crook of his neck. I could feel the vibration in his throat and chest as he chuckled lightly.

   "I love you, baby." He moved his hand to the back of my head, twisting a strand of my hair between his fingers. I had my arms around his neck, and so I moved my hand up to his hair to mimic what he was doing with mine. He chuckled again, and tugged lightly on the lock of my hair he was messing with. I did the same. We both laughed then, and I sat up to look at him again. When our eyes met our smiles grew all over again. He moved his hand so it was flat in my hairs, pulling our lips together.

   "I love you." He said again before kissing the tip of my nose gently. "You're so precious." Then he started showering my face in kisses while saying, "I love you." before each one. I couldn't help but giggle at all the attention.

   I'm not sure how long it would've gone on if Ace hadn't of come down the stairs then. His boyfriend was not with him. Murdoc stopped kissing me as Ace spoke.

   "Hey, Gramps! Spot me a cig, huh? You owe me." He was talking fast, he had way too much energy. I leaned back so Murdoc could turn slightly to look at him.

   "I don't owe you anything, especially not after last night." Muds answered.

   "What?? No way! That's not fair. I need one really bad!"

   "That sounds like a you problem, son." I couldn't help but snicker at the way Murdoc had impersonated Ace. Accent and all. Love the kid, but he said that a lot to everyone when he didn't want to do something.

   "AhaAhAa," Ace let out his weird sarcastic laugh that him and Murdoc made up. This caused all of us turn to him and choke back laughter, "See, look. I distinctly remember giving you a fat fucking l-"

   "Hahaha..." Murdoc let out his weird, uncomfortable laugh, interrupting whatever Ace was about to say. He cleared his throat and quickly said, "Just go grab one off my night table ya fuckin' bum." This intrigued me.

   "Hold on, what happened last night? What did you give him?" I asked, causing both men to look at me and then at each other with a, 'should we tell him' look. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Murdoc quizzically. "Well?"

   "Ehh well.. After you went to sleep last night, the kid and I might've gone to the pub and then gone and... Ehhhh..." Murdoc was so cute when he was struggling with his words. His voice would do all sorts of weird things, and it always made me laugh.

   "We shoved our faces in a giant plastic bag full of cocaine and got out and danced in the drive thru at McDonalds." Ace interrupted before giving another, "AhaAhAa." I couldn't help but laugh then, staring back at Murdoc.

   "Wait, you danced?? I don't believe it." I asked, still laughing. Murdoc's cheeks darkened as he blushed slightly. Awww. He was embarrassed.

   "No! I don't dance. You know that."

   "Mmm, nope. He's totally lying." Ace interjected again, pulling his phone out, "Hold up, I got a video."

   Murdoc jerked upright then, me nearly falling off his lap, "Satan, man, you fucking recorded it?" Ace just shrugged in response. At that point I really couldn't help but laugh.

   "Wait, let me see it!" I said, excitedly. Reaching towards Ace for his phone.

   "Look, kid. We're friends and all, but I can't guarantee you'll make it if you do." Murdoc said, causing the other man to hesitate in handing me his phone.

   "You can have my whole pack of fags if you let me see this." I reassured him, and that was all it took for him to toss me his phone. Murdoc groaned and threw his head back as I watched the video of my boyfriend dancing on the top of his car at a drive thru window. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as the video came to an end and he was still groaning. I tossed Ace his phone and the rest of my cigarettes before I kissed Murdoc's neck gently. He was caught off guard for a moment. "That was so cute, why won't you ever dance like that for me??" I asked.

   "Yeah, Mudsie. Why don't you ever dance like that for your lover boy?" Ace chimed in.

   "AhaAhAa." Now Murdoc was doing the laugh. That stupid one the two of them started.

   "AhaAhAa." Ace echoed, causing Murdoc to roll his eyes in annoyance.

   "AhaAhAa, goodnight. Leave me alone." Lord, this was hard to listen to. They were like bickering brothers all the time.

   "AhaAhAa, fuck you. Goodnight... Daddy." He said, making the last word very... Uncomfortable... He then lit a cigarette and flipped Murdoc the bird before heading up the stairs. But not before Murdoc answered with an,

   "AhaAhAa." And then after he was gone he muttered a, "Fucker." This caused me to chuckle.

   "You two are so weird." I said, kissing him again.

   "Not as weird as you, Babyboy." He said, moving his hand to my hair again. Us relaxing and sinking back into our previous spot in the couch.

   "Shut y'all asses up so I can watch this movie. Y'all both weird as hell." Russel said after not talking for nearly an hour. This caught both Murdoc and I by surprise, and we ended up laughing quietly and apologizing to Russ for disturbing him.

   Damn, I love my family.

lol this is just a short little thing i wrote because i'm having a bad night
it's based off of some shit me and my best friend did🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ we do some really stupid stuff
i got out at mcdonald's at 1 am and started dancing at the drive thru to ace of bass the sign ooPS also the laugh is our thing too i wish u could hear it it's a lot funnier if you can 😂😂
it's ok if this isn't that good it's mostly supposed to be fun and to help me feel better
which it did so i hope u enjoy it bc i liked writing it oops

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