Gollum and Gater: a love story

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Jack Gater scratched his crusty toenails.
"Time for a filing yos yos yos" he said out loud.
Jack dragged his long, rusted toenails over to the jagged rocks before gently scratching them against the rocks grains. This kept his toenails sharp and unsnappable, since they were starting to curl this helped him wank.

Gollum heard the familiar sound of toenail grinding, he hunched over like Igor and writhed over to the noise. Gollum gurgled curiously whilst dragging his lanky gang green feet to the source of the almost chalk on a black board scraping sound.
"What's this noises?" Gollum sounded out, his voice coarse and harrow from years of speaking only to his ring.

Jack Gater caught his outstandingly long toe nail, his pride and joy, on a severely jagged rock not far from Gollum. He let out a ear piercing screech "MATE!!!! My child!! No no no mate!! My poor pretty little ickle wickle toesie wosies!!"
Gollum was startled and began to crawl away. Just as he was leaving, a lanky, warm, wrinkled, pointy spherical object wrapped around his waist. He gulped in fear, but shivered in excitement.

Gollum felt his spine tingle as his groin flap wafted upwards. "Sorrieses" Gollum called out, feeling the ring talk to him.

"Who does he think he is? Our toenails are more glorious than his!"

Jack raged on as he bellowed, "my wittle piggies are hurt because of you!!"

*End of Chapter*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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