Clash of Titans

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 After the tragic American defeat at midway and sinking most of the remaining American fleet. The Japanese in late 1942 begin a strong blockade of all major ports on the continent of Australia forcing them to surrender on the 23 February 1943. The Japanese now use the majority of their navy for the invasion of the British Raj June 25 1943 and commerce raiding American convoys which was an idea taken from the Germans. Later in the year the Japanese returned to Hawaii and on Thanksgiving the Japanese after defeating a battlegroup two Iowa-class and three South Dakota-class battleships and three heavy cruisers eight light cruisers and twenty destroyers the blockade of Hawaii began.

3 January 1944 a small American task force of three Fletcher-class destroyers and a new battleship the Montana the most powerful American ship that was ever built slips through the Panama Canal along with its escorts and heads to Hawaii to breakthrough the blockade.

5 January 1944 the Japanese blockade has be held for little over a month and the Japanese suspects something is up. With their success in the south pacific as well as Australia and the blockade would get the Americans to sue for peace. The Japanese blockade also had just received their new behemoth the battleship Yashima a continuation of Japanese ships along the lines of the Yamato-class but having eight even more powerful 510mm guns designed to take any ship built any where. This new ship was under going trials as well as joining the blockade. As well as the Yashima it is escorted by three Akizuki-class of destroyers. It is stationed east of the islands.

 6 January 1944 the commander aboard the Yashima and her escorts get a distress signal from the heavy cruiser Tone has been damaged by  heavy caliber American shells and is sinking quickly. The Tone was stationed 50 miles to the south east the commander order the they must take action immediately so the Americans do not escape as well launching all seven aircraft. Meanwhile the commander of the Montana has increased the ship's speed to the max to reach Pearl Harbor as quickly as possible to drop relive supplies now the Japanese knowing of a powerful American ship is in the vicinity. But this rush in speed gives the ship a wider and longer wake easier to from the air as one of the "Pete" floatplane scouts spotted the has spotted the battleship who begins to fire its deadly AA guns which takes care of the floatplane but not before it sends it message to the Yashima. After hearing of the news of a battleship in the area the Japanese commander orders a group of cruisers to pressure the American ship steam northwards towards it. the floatplane down the American commander sighs guessing that the danger has passed till five minutes later a report from a Kingfisher scout has detected an large force of cruisers and destroyers in their general direction forcing the American commander to steam northwards right into the waiting jaws of the Yashima. The Americans launch the rest of its planes as it steams at full speed and finally spotting the a massive ship. The float plane informs the Montana as the American commander makes the tough choice to engage the enemy battleship. 

The Yashima has crossed the T of the Montana and fires first as all eight guns fire the ship rocks back at such  the shells miss their mark but two floatplanes as well as the rangefinders aboard the battleship make corrections as the 510mm shells get ever closer with each salvo. having endured five gruesome minutes of fire the Montana fires back and the accurate guns and rangefinders land a near miss to the Yashima then a full salvo from the Japanese battleship destroys turret two on the Montana taking out a fourth of the Americans effective firepower the Montana is force to show full broadside giving the Japanese a larger target as it fires again. This time the Americans land two hits one below the water line and one taking out some secondary guns on the starboard side of the ship. However the massive ship damage control teams rush to right the ship as the Yashima fires again this time penetrating the forward magazine, and then a massive explosion turrets one has been taken out. The Montana turns away attempting to flee but the explosion damaged the engines making her and easy target. But the Montana did land a few more hits before going down damaging the forward turrets and most of the AA guns were knock out as well. After this engagement the Americans gave up hope and officially surrendered aboard Yashima in San Francisco a month later.

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