My Little Demon

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Today was horrible again of course I got to school to sit in the back of class cause no one likes me. The teacher tried to get me to answer questions of course I didnt. Lunch time came and I sat by myself shocker oh but when I went to throw my plate away I tripped and food went everywhere I was laughed at. It was gym time and I got in trouble for not changing my clothes I also sat on the bleachers the whole time.

As I boarded the bus someone threw a paper ball at my head and laughed, at least I was going home. I'm into paranormal and lucifer I praise that man. I found a spell for me to conjure a demon it said" it will take  all your worries away". The spell called for three candles, a drop of my blood, a pentagram carved into my floor, and the spell.

As I walked in the house my mother was in the kitchen making supper already. "Monica can you come here a second " she called for me. As I walked in there she looks at me with a smile. "Get dressed up were having guests wear something other than black" she remarks. "But black is the color of my soul or the absences of it it" I say looking at my feet. After the talk between my mother and I I go to my room.

As I walk in my room I jump on the bed thinking ig I should conjure the demon to get rid of my perfect mom and the people that pick on me. As I think I fall asleep dreaming of my big powerful demon he's black and scary he has wings and horns He Swallows souls and spits fire he's a force to be reckoned with.

As I wake up I run to get my dagger and three candles I was ready to do this. As I took my time carving the pentagram making sure it's right I set the candles up and light them I then cut my hand and let the blood drop on the floor. As I start to say the enchantment the house shakes and beams of light flash through the pentagram. As I'm blinded for a few seconds I notice my demon he's small and cat like with little wings and horns. "This is what I get from you lucifer , I worship you and this is what I get " I say aloud. I look to see the little demon holding a note. "Dear Monica we have run out of stronger demons we will have some in Stock shortly you may return him when we get more.  Love lucifer.".

As I look at the little demon I wonder." Can you spit fire" I ask him. He holds up a finger to tell me to wait and a puff of black smoke leaves his mouth and he shakes his head no I laugh.

"Can you fly" I ask. He turns to crawl up my bed and starts jumping up and down then jumps off the bed he is in the air for merely seconds then falls to the ground. He gets up and shakes his head noi laugh once more.

"Can you be scary" I ask he turns the light off and walk to the candle and tries to act scary he turns to see his shadow which is big and scary and he runs to me I laugh looking down at him."So I guess that's a no" I say disappointed.

"Can you at least steal souls" I ask we walk down stairs to my mother she is facing the stove with her back towards us. He climbs on the counter and opens his mouth to suck her soul out when my mom turns around and jumps. "What the oh how cute Monica were did you get the cat" she says and I feel defeated.

As we go up to my room I sit on the bed and look at him. "What can you do" I say he then climbs up on the bed and climbs in my lap and turn around and lays down I then pet the little guy and he purrs I smile. As I fall asleep I am awaken by a flash of light I look at the pentagram to see another letter. "Dear Monica we have more demons you may return yours if you feel compelled to. Love lucifer. ".  As I look at the little guy asleep on my bed my heart warms and I smile " I love my little demon" I say as I lay back down with him.

When life gets you down and it feels like the world is against you remember it can always be worse and maybe what you think is bad ain't really that big of a deal. If anyone ever has to face there demon it might just be a little one.

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