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Amber's POV

I press record on my camera and start my video,

"WHAT'S UP MY LOVELIES!!!! Amber here and today I am going to tell you 25 random facts about me. HERE. WE. GO!!!

1. I am single

2. I'm 16

3. I sing

4. I wear glasses because I don't like to wear contacts

5. I have dyed my hair 4 times to get my hair this red

6. When I was 8 my mum told me that my dad was sick and so I rushed into my dad's room and he wasn't sick. She said 'oh my mistake sweetie, he's sick of working'. Way to go mum!

7. I went to primary school with Perrie Edwards, Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder. The girlfriends of Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson of One Direction.

8. At 11, this boy asked me out and I shyly said yes but we ended up going to different high schools at 13 so yea BUT we were still going out at the time and on our 3 year anniversary I went over to his house to surprise him because he was sick and couldn't leave the house but when I got there, there he was doing his assignments with a girl that I FREAKING HATE! And in fact he is here with me! Everybody meet my ex boyfriend Cameron Dallas.

9. My first kiss was with Cameron obviously, and we kissed at the top of the Eiffel Tower when our parents took us on a trip to Paris for 3 months. BEST 3 months of my life.

10. My lucky number is 9.

11. My favourite YouTuber is this guy named Lonnie Randall. He does these gameplay/playthrough types of things everyday and he is just HILARIOUS!!!!

12. I can draw.

13. When I was about 5 we got a pet cat and she died 3 years later during labour. She gave birth to 3 kittens when it was meant to be 5. She died happily knowing that her babies were safe.

14. In high school I was bestfriends with Brent Rivera. God I miss that kid.

15. I once taught my year 7 maths class about alegbra while our teacher was in a maths teachers meeting. They all got the hang of alegbra once I taught it to them.

16. In year 8, 5 seconds of summer came to my school and picked ME to tour with them but I sadly declinced because I had 4 assignments to do that were ALL due the following week. They took it well then left.

17. My best friends name is Rosabell De Lucca. She is Italian.

18. I had 7 pets; 2 cats, 2 dogs and 3 hamsters.

19. I like to play soccer on the weekends with my best friend Rosabell.

Cameron just drew me a really cute kitten and it looks like my cat. I think I'm gunna cry.
Shhh don't cry!

20. I love to hang out with my best friend every Saturday and Sunday and sometimes on Friday nights.

21. Nash Grier asked me out two days ago and I said to get me time to think about it.

He asked you out?!
Cameron! I said I'll think about it! Geez!

22. I hate Cameron right now because he is annoying me!!

23. I love all my subscribers!

24. I met some really cool fans the other day and we all took photos and I signed some things for them and then they gave me this really cool necklace with my name on it.

25. I almost died 4 days ago at Luna Park. What happened was, Rosabell wanted to go to Coney Island so I said yes. She practically dragged me from the Ferris Wheel, ALL the way to Coney Island. When we got there she wanted to go into the Mirror Maze, so she yet again drags me. We went into the maze and I almost died when Brent appeared out of nowhere. We hugged and he apologized for almost making me die. Apparently Rosabell planned mine and Brent's reunion because I looked at old pictures of him and me when we were in high school, so she planned it. Thank you for that almost near death experience, Rosabell.

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