Interview Night and WHERE IS SHE?!

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Niall's POV

As soon as we got home, Amber ran upstairs and slammed her door,

"Thanks to you two I didn't get me Nando's. Now I'm gunna have to make a sandwich. A Niall special" I said to Harry and Louis while walking to the kitchen,

"Niall. We need to tell you something" Harry and Louis say walking up to me while I make my sandwich,

"What's up?" I said,

"We didn't mean to punch Amber..." Louis says as I bite into my sandwich,

"What?!" I said,

"What he means is that we don't know what came over us when we punched Amber" Harry says,

"LOUIS!!! HARRY!!! NIALL!!! UPSTAIRS NOW!! YOUR INTERVIEW STARTS IN AN HOUR!!!" Amber screams from upstairs. Harry and Louis run upstairs while I quickly finish my sandwich. I run upstairs and get changed into the clothes I had laid out on my bed.

Louis' POV

We ran past Amber while running to our rooms. She looks beautiful! Snap out of it Louis!

"You okay Lou?" Liam asks,

"Yea I am. I'm just gunna get ready" I said running into my room and shutting the door.

I can't fall in love with Amber. She's dating Dan. I thought while getting ready.

Harry's POV


"Well you did punch her! Anyways just get ready!" Simon said then hung up. I got dressed and went downstairs with my phone in my blazer pocket,

"You took your time. We got 40 minutes to be there and it takes half an hour. Let's go" Amber says. We all get in the car,

"Is there a seating arrangement Amber?" Niall says,

"Thanks for reminding me Nialler! Harry and Louis are in the optional third row, Niall, Liam and Zayn you guys can choose where to sit. I don't care where you sit. Just sit in a spot" Amber says. Me and Louis get in the optional third row and Niall ends up sitting in the front seat with Amber.

Amber's POV

Harry and Louis didn't argue with me and sat where they were suppose to sit,

"Amber?" Harry says,

"What Harry?" I say angrily,

"Louis and I didn't mean to punch you in the cheek. We don't know what came over us" Harry explained,

"Whatever. Just don't do it again!" I say pulling up to the Jimmy Fallon show stage thingy. We get out of the car and enter the stage thingy,

"AMBER! Guys this is my niece Amber!" My uncle Jimmy Fallon says,

"Hi Uncle Jimmy" I said,

"Right boys just come this way we have 10 minutes until show time!" Uncle Jimmy says as he walks away with the boys. Just then my phone rang,

A ~ Hello?

S ~ Hey Amber! It's Simon just checking up on the boys to see if they made it to their interview on time?

A ~ Yea. They are just getting ready for show time!

S ~ That's good! Anyways um I'll be popping in tomorrow to see how today went okay?

A ~ Uh okay! See you then. Bye!

I quickly ended the call. I didn't want Simon to come tomorrow! Just then I felt a strong pair of hands grab me by my waist. Next thing I knew, I was being carried away by someone,

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