don't leave

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-javi, can you stop going out every night and leave me here in this lonely apartment?
yuzuru whispered to his older lover. see, lately javi had been going out to clubs and partying til  late night, coming home quite drunk.
the thing is, yuzuru missed the old javi, when the latter used to care for him, gave him jugs, cuddles and kissed him goodnight, when yuzu used to fall asleep in his warm embrace and gentle strokes on his hair..
-i told you yuzuru, let me breathe, i have friends too.
-but javi, not every night! i'm okay with you going out, but you need to spend time with me too..
-enough yuzuru, stop being clingy.
the older stressed out his words, that made yuzuru fear, his own boyfriend.
-i said stop!
javi slapped yuzuru, hard on his pale chubby cheeks. the younger hissed in pain, his eyes glossed over by tears, is this really javi??
-now that will teach you not to stop anyone.
javi stormed out of their apartment, leaving yuzuru crying in pain, coldness and loneliness.
javi stayed in a nearby hotel for the next day or so, contemplating his decision.
did he just do that to yuzuru?
he knew the boy was fragile, although he doesn't typically show it to the public, yuzuru is a soft-hearted person, he gets hurt and broken easily and can cry hard for at least an hour. it was javi's job to take care and protect yuzu, and yesterday he hurt him.
did he really mean it though?
lets admit it, javi had been going out, even almost hooking up with a new girl he found at the club (luckily his friends stopped him in time). but everyone has the right to go out, right? yuzuru couldn't just step into his private life and interfere like that. no, what yuzu did was wrong, he didn't have the right, the power to restrain javi from hanging out with his friends.
what is yuzuru anyways, he didn't need him?
yuzuru didn't go to training for a few days and everyone was starting to worry, including javi. everyone knew the boy wouldn't skip training for any possible reason in this world, except when he has a major injury.
javi thought maybe he was the main cause of yuzu's absence. maybe javi was a bit to harsh on him. no, scratch that, javi was over-reacting. the boy clearly did nothing wrong. he just tried to get javi to stay and protect him from the thick darkness outside. oh boy-
-javi, would you mind driving to yuzuru's place and ask how he's doing? he didn't pick up my phone for a few days now. he's usually so diligent.
javi's thoughts were interrupted by brian's voice. without thinking or saying anything in return, he drove as fast as he can back to their place.
javi opened the door abruptly to reveal a sobbing mess on the sofa and a tiny shiny bloody blade.
did yuzuru cut?
the latter seemed to notice javi's presence and looked up. javi thought yuzuru never looked so gorgeous despite the state he was in.
-javi? i thought-
yuzuru couldn't finish as javi ran to him, sweeping the ball of cuteness into his arms. just then, javi realized how badly he messed up, how badly yuzu was hurt.
-yuzuru..wha..what is this?
the younger broke, he cried his heart out in javi's arms, taking his small hands to cover his eyes. javi noticed multiple cuts on his wrist, and that broke his heart.
-but..but javi doesn't love me anymore..
he managed to choke out through a layer of tears.
-no baby no, you are my world i couldn't replace you. i'm so sorry i didn't mean it..there it's okay..i'm here.
javi was at the verge of tears when he caressed the latter's soft hair, cradling his head, guiding him to his chest. he breathed in relief when yuzu leaned into the touch, relaxing against javi's muscular chest. yuzu couldn't stop crying, he sobbed and clung onto javi, like he doesn't want to let go..
javi carried yuzu to their bedroom. he let yuzu sit on their bed as he wrapped the cut wrist in fresh medical cloth. then he pulled yuzuru on his lap, cuddled him close, gave him little gentle kisses on his face, which didn't seem to calm the younger down one bit.
javi held yuzuru for hours on end, until daylight disappeared, filling their bedroom with darkness. the soft lulnaby of the night calmed yuzuru down, the sobbing stopped and less tears ran down his cheeks. though his nose was runny and stuffy at the same time, yuzuru was comfortable in javi's arms, being caressed by his big hands. he didn't wait any longer and let sleep enveloped him in a calming manner.
javi laid yuzuru down on the bed carefully, not to wake him up, and pulling the covers up to his neck. javi remembered how much he liked to watch yuzuru sleep (in a good way, of course), his slightly opened mouth letting out the cutest purrs he had ever heard. he watched yuzuru until he was tired himself, then he stood up, ready to leave, again.
when javi was closing the door, he heard a small, breathy call of his name from inside the room.
-i thought you're mad?
-don't leave please.
so javi gave in, he scooted closer to the younger, soon taking yuzu in his arms. he let yuzuru hide his face in javi's chest, one hand on his perfectly sculpted waist, one hand being yuzu's pillow as he strokes his hair. yuzuru snuggled close, his hands twisting into javi's shirt. javi placed a gentle kiss on the younger's forehead.
-go to sleep, it's late.
-javi..i love you...
he didn't say that in a long time.
-i love you too.
they fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms. and let's say javier never went out again, because he has a ball of fluff to take care of.

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