Chapter 1. That Day Kai

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It was my sophomore year in high school. That week had been full of festivities as it was our spirit week. While spirit week consisted of costumes, cheers, and competitions, the school still required us to all be in full attendance as any absences that were unexcused caused points to be deducted from each grade. After it was my grade's turn to cheer and dress up that Wednesday, I returned to homeroom where my classmates and I were filled with exhaustion attempting to calm down from the excitement that took place during lunch. That's when I heard the intercom, "Is this Mrs. Clarke's homeroom? If Kai Barbier is there please send her to the front office, she is being checked out." As I looked around confused, I picked up my backpack and headed towards the front office. While walking there, many thoughts were racing through my head as I didn't remember having a therapy appointment that day which meant something had to have happened with my brothers, niece, or mom. As I saw my mom, I sighed in relief in reassurance as she was okay. When getting into the car, I was telling my mom about spirit week and how my class did today with their cheers; however, I did not notice the strained smile or rigged demeanor my mom held while listening to me. Reaching the building that my therapist worked out of, I turned to her in confusion. Not thinking anything of it, I figured I had just forgotten I had an appointment or it had been moved. Little did I know that when I would go into Cherice's office, I would find out my father had killed himself leaving this world with no explanation. You know how in the movies when a person finds out a loved one died and they drop to the ground all dramatically as you know they are sobbing but all you can hear is this awful silence and ringing in the ear? Apparently the movies had not made that reaction in the director's infinite creative choices. Never had I felt such pain and guilt and I vowed never to let myself get close to anyone in fear of them disappearing from me. 

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