Chapter 2. The Music Festival Kai

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~two years later, senior year~

That Friday the last weekend of October was the music festival my friends and I had been waiting for since the summer. This music festival always happened the weekend of/after Halloween which meant not only did people dress up for the festival, but most wore costumes. With the festival beginning while school was in session, everyone was itching to hear that final bell as soon as possible. With that final ring, everyone raced from their seats to their car. As I sped off to my best friend's, Megan's house. I blared music the whole 30 minute drive there to get in the mood for a three day bender with my closest friends. Arriving at Megan's house, I walked straight in and upstairs towards her room (Megan and I have been best friends since we were eight and live 5 minutes away from one another so the phrase 'mi casa es tu casa' applied) to find her applying her makeup.

"Soooooo what did you bring for alcohol," Megan asked with a twinkle in her eye.

I smirked and replied, "Well my mom was kind enough to get us two handles of vodka this weekend so it's plenty for us to sneak in."

45 minutes later and we were dressed in our sexiest festival outfits with our breast milk bags filled with vodka hidden in our bras and underwear.

Arriving at the festival, Megan and I got a water bottle and red bull in order to hydrate for at least once today while mixing our vodka and red bull in the empty water bottle. After seeing a few of the sideshows at the festival and drinking our full bottle of vodka redbull, we split up in order to find some other friends, her going to the mainstage and me going to the EDM stage.

Calling my other best friend Noah I screamed into the phone over the blaring crowd and music, "Where the fuck are you and your friends?! I want to hang out with y'all for a bit!"

Noah responded, "I'm with my girlfriend but you can go ahead and meet my other friend Tyler, Tim, Connor, and Aiden."

I had never met Connor and Aiden but that didn't stop me from my quest to find Tyler and Tim. Through a miracle, some perseverance, and liquid courage, I located a very tall and stocky Tim and very tall and scrawny Tyler. Without introducing myself or asking others for their names, I pulled out my empty water bottle, vodka bag, and red bull can.

"All right boys, who can help me get all of that into this very empty bottle," I challenged them.

They all started fumbling around, failing epically until I took the vodka bag and said "fuck it" as I started chugging it straight. That's when I heard the start of Aiden and I's friendship as he exclaimed, "oh shit!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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