Chapter 17

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Boone sat in one of the chairs across from Zebadiah and leaned back in a relaxed pose, similar to the one that Zebadiah had assumed when Zelda had started the conversation. Zebadiah relaxed into his chair as well, and they both looked at each other, neither one saying a word.

It was like watching two master chess players analyzing the board before their next move.

"Have a seat, Zelda," Boone suggested, motioning to the chair beside him with a flip of his wrist.

Zelda sat, perched on the edge of her seat, ready to flee if necessary.

"Aren't you going to ask your sister why she's been miserable for the past eight years?" Boone asked Zebadiah. "Do you care?"

"Boone!" Zelda cried in objection. "Zebadiah and my relationship is none of your business, just as our relationship is none of his!" she insisted.

"Then why are you here, asking for his permission?" Boone didn't turn to look at her as he spoke. He didn't seem angry only determined but determined about what she couldn't say.

"I'm not asking for his permission exactly, more like his approval." Zelda tried to clarify.

"Same difference, but that's not what I'm concerned with, my concern is that he hasn't asked why your life has been a misery for the past eight years." Boone's eyes had never left Zebadiah's

"Eden interrupted before he could," Zelda defended.

"Is that true Zebadiah, were you going to ask why?" If Boone had directed the same look at her that he was now directing at Zebadiah, she would have withered away.

"No, I was surprised by her statement, but I wasn't going to ask why," Zebadiah said honestly.

"Why weren't you going to ask?" Boone leaned forward, and Zelda caught her breath.

"Because it's none of my business and-" Zebadiah held up his hand, cutting off Boone's next question, "the reasons why are between Zelda and me."

Zelda gave him a confused look, wondering what reasons might have caused him to stop asking her about what was going on in her life.

Boone looked at her and then at Zebadiah. "I think I'll go and find something to snack on until dinner." He stood, dropping a kiss on Zelda's head. "Tell him what's going on, Zelda. He can help." Then he left them.

Zelda could feel Zebadiah looking at the top of her head as she tried to find a place to start, but try as she might she couldn't find it.

"You're my sister, Zelda, and I love you. I'm sorry if it has come across as if I don't care, I do." He stood up and move to sit in the chair that Boone had just vacated. "Do you remember when Mom left?" he asked.

Zelda nodded.

"You were so young, I was young too but not as fragile as you were. I was worried about you and kept trying to get you to talk about it, do you remember?" Zebadiah was watching her profile as she nodded.

"I gave up for years, and then when I reconnected with Mom, I tried to get you to do the same, and you lost it. You told me in no uncertain terms that I was not to interfere in your life. If you wanted my opinion, you would ask for it. You claimed that being abandoned by a mother taught a girl how to survive on her own and that you didn't need anyone, least of all a patronizing older brother." He leaned forward, tilting his head so he could see her face. "Do you remember that?"

Zelda closed her eyes at his soft voice. It wasn't a reprimand, and there was no anger attached to the words, he was only stating facts, facts that she clearly remembered.

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