Chapter 2

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"Come on we are going to be late."
I walked away the bottom of the stairs and walked into my kitchen to see my best friend Renae eating a sandwich with one more on her plate.
"You keep eating like that it will no longer be baby fat."
Renae shot a glare at me but I just continued to walk to the kitchen and cleaned after the kids lunches. Tonight is a home game against the Bulldogs.

Once we paid for our tickets we walked to the top of the bleachers. the teams were warming up by doing a couple of free-throws.

"Mommy, look Mike Mike."

I nodded and watched the kids walk down the bleachers to Michael. He is Renae boyfriend and my very first friend at this school.

"I'm hungry."

I looked over at Renae.

"Shut up."

She laughed and I just playfully rolled my eyes at her. That is just her way of telling me to get her some food with her greedy a$$. I stood up and walked down to concessions. My phone dinged signaling a message. I looked down to see Renae asking for a whole grocery list. This girl. I bumped into someone and by reflex I grabbed onto their shirt.



I looked up at Darius face and shock hit me like a flood.


"I've been looking all over for you. I-can we go somewhere and talk?"

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded yes. I looked around to make sure the twins didn't see him. With Darius's pictures everywhere they would be able to spot him from anywhere. We walked towards the hallway that lead to the restrooms. I didn't say anything, I could barely look at him after all of those years. I was really mentally preparing myself to be scolded for leaving him with no answers of an explanation.

"How have you been?"

My head shot up forcing my eyes to meet him, that just caught me completely off guard.


"Look I know why you left. Everyone told me everything. I just want you to know I would have never left you or our baby. I'm not mad that you got the abortion, but I can't sit here and tell you that I am not hurt by it. I can't do anything now but accept your decision."

At first I was confused, but then it hit me. Maybe I can tell him that I did have the baby, that turned out to be a twin, or I can stand here and let him talk and say nothing.

"Mommy, Nae asked for the food."

I turned around to see Noah staring at Darius like he seen a ghost, technically he is.


I turned to Darius who was staring at me in confusion, but I could slowly see the anger sink into his face.

"Ni-Nichole, you got some serious f*cking explaining to do."

I didn't know how to explain it without it looking selfish and heartless. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Nat came walking over and stopped to stare at Darius only she was the only one to confirm his thoughts.


I smacked my head and sighed in frustration. Could this day get any worse, actually, let me not even say that.

"Okay, I was going to get the abortion. I didn't want to turn out like my mother. I know I should have told you, but we were already going through things with Kendall, I knew this would not look good. Then the last night we spent together after prom, you made it clear that that was the last time. That night I wasn't pregnant, I was a girl that wanted one more night to enjoy with the guy she loved. When I woke up the next morning I was going to tell you and I wanted you to stop me, but you were gone. I knew what you said was true at that point. I know it's no excuse, but I really want you to understand from that moment."

I watched him facial expressions switch between understanding and anger. I understand he will be angry, but I can't change the past only the future. Before Darius could say anything or finish processing everything that I just said, one of his teammates poked his head in the doorway.

"Aye D, we about to start."

Darius nodded, still not moving.

"Go, we can talk after your game."

Darius looked at me then at the kids before he followed behind his teammate. I grabbed the twins hands and walked to the concession stand to order or food. I know I owe them an explanation just as much. I have been lying to them everyday by not telling them the truth about Darius.

Once I paid for our food, I handed the kids the easy things like the drinks and chips and I carried the hot foods up the bleachers. I didn't know what to say, I was still stuck on what will happen next.

"Finally...what's wrong?"
The kids and I sat down and I gave them their hotdogs and handed Renae her 2 slices of pizza. The whistle blew signaling that the game was starting.

"Darius is here."

"What? As in their dad?"

I nodded and looked for him before pointing him out to Renae.

"There, over there jersey number 15."

It wasn't until then when I realized he was wearing my favorite number. Is it a coincidence? I shook the thought away and focused on the game. Between Renae cheering every time Mike make a shot, Nat cheering with the cheerleaders and Renae cursing and screaming every time Mike was fouled I didn't know what would have killed me first. Only I couldn't get my eyes off of Darius, or my mind away from our last night together. I shouldn't even be thinking that, I know that I might not be with him like that no time soon. I cleared my thoughts and focused on the game as it neared the halftime. Oh god what am I going to do?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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