Tiny Crowds.

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Just as you were drifting away into sleep, a little girl, about 5 or 6 years old, sits next to you and starts talking. You notice this and take your headphones off, turning to look at the girl at your side.
-"I'm sorry, did you say something?", you ask. The little girl nods excitedly and shifts her entire body towards you. -"I like your hair.." she says nervously while staring at you sweetly. You are confused but this brightens your day up a little bit more, you've always liked little kids. -"thanks!" you answer with a smile, until you notice she seems to be alone in the airport so you ask -"is your family here?" in a gentle way. The girl looks up and says -"Yup! my mom is over there!" while pointing to a woman on a waiting seat.

You talk with her for a while, until her mom comes up and takes her away to their respective flight, about to take off. Seems yours is still going to take a while to arrive, yet the airport seems to be clearing since people who were arriving already left. As the girl leaves you position yourself in a more comfortable way, slap on your headphones on a low volume and decide to go get another cup of coffee, for the sake of walking and staying awake.

As you finish ordering your regular Hot Chocolate at Starbucks, you see a bunch if people gathered around something, staring. You dont give much importance to it and sit down in the cafe to have a little change of setting. After a few minutes the crowd spreads off and everyhing goes back to how it was before, calm, quiet and slightly boring. You just want to finally be able to get out of here and get to Canada, because you know you probably wont come back from these vacations, or at least you dont want to.

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