Sketchy- (+A/N)

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You look out the window, siiting on the café chair with your hair loose, dripping down to the very bottom of your ears, yet somehow still short, you notice that the weather is clearing, "well, at least the plane can land here, but I wonder how the weather is wherever the plane is right now." you think to yourself. You relax, letting your back drop onto the chair that's tucked into the small table at the corner of the cafe, the only one with an ounce of personal space from all the other tables, that being of course the reason why you picked that spot to wait. 

You were close enough to the gate to be able to run over whenever you heard the announcement, and honestly all you want right now is to sit down quietly. You pull out your small sketchbook from your backpack and lay it on the table next to a couple of pencils and your cup of hot chocolate, thinking you might be able to draw something since you had so much time and were in a good mood. As was expected, your headphones are still banging out music into your ears, blocking out all of people's voices, but still low enough that you could hear the announcementas, you cant miss this flight.

A/N: Hey guys! Its Alex, the author. Anyway Im sorry for this short chapter, I havent updated since last november and my writing style has really evolved since then, however I cant seem to get across in the way that i want by writing in second person, so from now on I will be writing in first person pov as the guy in the airport. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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