Chapter V

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Chloe wasn't one to get jealous but tonight was difficult. Chloe was trying her best to stay calm. She tried taking deep breaths and tried to not let things bother her but it wasn't working. Every time the beautiful blonde waitress came up to their table, she would openly flirt with Beca, stroking her arm, flicking her hair, giggling like a schoolgirl, and practically eye-fucking Beca with every look. All of it was driving Chloe up the wall and to make things worse, Beca wasn't stopping the woman but in Beca's defense, she had no idea the waitress was flirting with her. Beca was a smart woman in many areas but when it came to people flirting with her, she was completely dense and had no clue. It was as if it just went straight over her head. The waitress was practically THROWING herself at Beca and Beca didn't even pick it up.

The couple were out on a date at a nice, classy restaurant. Chloe had a busy week so Beca wanted to treat her girlfriend to something special. Chloe thought it was so sweet but she quickly regretted agreeing to go since the waitress didn't stop flirting with her other half who currently was trying to decide on a bottle of wine was and the waitress took full advantage of the situation.

"Oh, I remember that one! Tastes like skittles," Beca stated, making the waitress giggle.

"You're so cute,"

Chloe rolled her eyes.

"I'm not sure if that would go well with my chicken though..." Beca uttered.

"Did you want me to get you a glass so you can try?"

"Oh, okay, sure. That'd be good. How much for a glass?"

"Don't worry, it's on me," she winked.

"Okay, thank you. That's really nice."

"You're welcome, sweetie. I'll be right back." The waitress turned on her heel and made sure to strut just for Beca.

"She's such a nice waitress. Why can't they all be like that?" Beca said with a smile.

"Because she wants to get into your pants that's why," Chloe snapped.

"What?" Beca frowned.

Chloe tutted. "Beca, that woman was all over you."

"All over me? What do you mean?"

Chloe rolled her eyes with an agitated sigh. "Beca, she was hitting on you. Flirting with you. Undressing you with her eyes. Need I go on?"

"What? No way. She wasn't doing that."

"She was! What else would you call that?"

"Being nice...?"

"Beca, you are so fucking blind sometimes!"

"Whoa! What did I do to you?"

"You're letting that waitress flirt with you while I'm sitting right here!"

"Chloe, I didn't know she was flirting with me!"

"Are you serious? How could you not know?"

"Chlo, you know me. You know I don't pick up on that stuff. Can we please just have a nice dinner?"

Chloe looked at Beca who was looking at her desperately. As much as Chloe wanted to keep bickering, she didn't want to make a scene so she nodded her head and didn't speak of it again, not even when the waitress kept flirting with her girlfriend and it took everything in Chloe not so stab her knife through the blonde's eyes.


"Chloe, please! You're being ridiculous!" Beca said as she walked into her bedroom after Chloe.

"I'm NOT being ridiculous, Beca! That woman was all over you the entire night and you didn't do anything!"

"Chloe, I honestly didn't think she was flirting with me!"

"I told you she was!"

"I thought she stopped!"

"Do you want to be with her?" Chloe probed, removing her earrings followed by her heels.

"What? No!"

"Are you sure? She's young and beautiful so I get it if you do."

"Chloe, stop," Beca ordered. "I honestly didn't know that she was flirting with me, okay? It actually annoys me knowing that she was. I wasn't interested. Why would I waste my time with her when I'm with someone like you?"

Even though Chloe was pissed, Beca's words touched her heart and it made her calm down a little. Chloe knew Beca was loyal and loving but she worried from time to time that Beca would find someone else. That lead to Chloe getting jealous and the couple getting into arguments like this. Both women hated fighting but they always managed to resolve the issue, make up, and move on.

"Baby," Beca approached Chloe and put her hands on her arms. "I love YOU. Do you think I could run off with someone else so easily just because they were flirting with me?"

Chloe sighed. "No, but it's on the table."


"Beca, you're young, beautiful, and you could have anyone you want. You could have a normal life but you're stuck with me."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop right there. You're young and beautiful, too and you could have anyone you want as well. You could have so much more than me."


"It's true, Chlo - you could."

"No, I couldn't. You're it for me. Why do you think I get so jealous when people flirt with you? Why do you think I worry?"

"What do I have to do to reassure you that I'm not going anywhere and that I love you and ONLY you?"

"Marry me," Chloe answered without skipping a beat.

Beca froze and looked at her girlfriend blankly. "What?"

"Marry me. Be my wife."

"Chlo... We're not even public yet."

"I know we're not but I still want to marry you."

Beca was at a loss for words and little did Chloe know, Beca had already bought the redhead a ring to propose to her but she wanted to wait until Chloe had at LEAST told her parents about them to propose. As much as Beca wanted to say yes, it just wasn't the right time.

"Chlo... I love you. I love you more than anything but we can't."

"Why not?" She frowned.

"Because we're not exclusive yet and you haven't even told your parents. I think we should wait until we tell people before we commit. What else can I do instead?"

"Just have sex with me then. Have sex with me to prove that you love me." Chloe stepped forward and grabbed the younger woman.

"Babe," Beca took her hands and pulled them off of her. "We're both tired and a bit emotional right now. I don't think either of those propositions are the best at the moment."

Chloe sighed and looked away from the brunette. Beca was right - they WERE tired and emotional and Chloe knew she was making rash decisions. Chloe soon realised that marrying Beca or wanting to have sex with her wasn't appropriate at that moment in time so she reluctantly nodded.

"Okay, babe. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, baby," Beca slipped her arms around Chloe's waist. "I'm sorry for not noticing that the skanky waitress was hitting on me."

"It's okay," Chloe giggled.

"I love you and only you."

Chloe smiled and kissed Beca tenderly. "I know."

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