Storytime: How I Got In a Fight||2

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How I got in my first fight since the 6th grade

So this guy in my class let's call him Zack so Zack had got in a fight with someone from the other 8th-grade class. The guy came into our class looking for Zack and this girl let's call her Jess so Jess was trying to call the guy down and ended up leaving the classroom with him. I was sitting next to one of my friends Lauryn aka chexngsan and I turned to her and said this was some high school drama in middle school. Jess came into the classroom and started screaming talking about I need to shut up because I don't know what's going on because I don't and it's none of my business. So I turn to Lauryn and I'm confused because I didn't say anything about knowing what was going on so I turn around and question her. Then she starts talking about fighting and gets up so I get up too and start handing my stuff to Lauryn. So she swings and misses then I grab her by her hoodie and just start swinging I'm just swinging and swinging and she hadn't hit me once. I ended up slipping so you know I was swinging from the ground while I was getting my black ass up. Then the teachers came and were trying to break it up. I think I hit one of them on accident. So that's what happened this also happened in January the first day back from winter break.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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