Hi sisters.

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So I like memes. And Undertale. Steven universe BUT DAS BEOND DA POINT. this is a stupid thing thing about my not existent life. I used to have an account on here with LITERALLY ALL OF MY GOD DAMN FOLLOWERS but that STUPID account died on me because I couldn't remember my STUPID password so I just gave up on all the STUPID stuff I did on that account. So,here's my attempt to get my garbage (that is my burden that I call a life) back together and restart my Wattpad life!
(Btw,I have a phone already that's logged into my old Wattpad account,but I accidentally MURDERED that phone. There was already a whole on the top white part of the screen but one day VERY recently,like,3 days ago,I was reaching for my charger for this phone to plug it in but I accidentally whacked that hole on my old phone on the tuner of my ukulele because I also had that too...so...yea. That phones screen went COMPLETELY white with a BUNCH of black lines at the bottom 0^0. Oof.)

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