Very important (if you actually care about me)

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So recently,I've developed a REALLY good friendship with this girl at my school. But last Friday,one of the teachers/supervisors told my mom that me and my bestie were kissing. I may be lesbian,but that was far from the truth. I don't like her in that way. (Tho sometimes I think about it BUT NO-) when my mom heard this,she was  M A D. Not as mad as she was when she found out I lied to her about my (former) wrist cutting problem,but you could still see the flames in her eyes. She told me not to hang out with that friend anymore and me being the (kinda) obedient child,I listened to her. Now this is just what I got from the vice principal that I had a talk with 2 FRIGGIN TIMES today,but my friend was kinda really heartbroken at this. The second time I was in there,my friend was there too so it was kinda really awkward because literally the last time we saw each other was me saying that I can't hang out with her anymore because my mom said she was a "bad influence". BrAh ShE mAy AlSo Be GaY bUt ThAt DoE nOt TiE mE wItH mY fRiEnD tOgEtHeR rOmAtIcLy LiKe WtF. My friend apparently also told her mom about it because I think her mom noticed that she was maybe a bit more sad that normal..? I dunno. Anyways. Today,as I'm writing this,I would like to say that me and my friend are now very close once again because the peeps over at my school had a talk with my mom and how upset it made me that I wasn't allowed to be friends with my friend anymore because that's literally the reason why I had to go down to the office 2 times today. To get my opinion on how I feel about it. It really made me sad and a little bit more snappy at my other friends (fuck off that's not how I'm saying it you Spinel fangirls). But like I said earlier,we are friends again because me and her talked everything out at break.
link to her Tik Tok account in my bio

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