TW!! Mentioned child abuse and drinking.

Somewhere in Japan, in a home, at a desk sat a 16 year old boy. But this kid was no ordinary blonde child, he was Katsuki Bakugou, or famously know as GZ. GZ was very well known for creating songs and being very young not even in high school yet. Speaking of high school, about a month ago Katsuki had sent in one of his most popular songs Mansion for UA high school for singers entry exam. And he had finally got the email back.

He hovered the computer mouse over the open button, biting at his bottom lips, his doubts telling him 'you're not good enough to make it in,' 'there's no way you got in to UA,' Katsuki shook his head, as if to push the thoughts away, and clicked onto the open button.



Katsuki's hands flew to his mouth, and for the first time in a while he felt genuinely happy and proud of himself. He pushed his swivel chair back and threw his body onto his bed. After taking a minute to bathe in the glory, he reached over to grab his phone and message his record label to tell them he had go into AU. They were the ones to push him to sent in his song, and he was grateful for them he would have never done it if not for them. Sure he knew he was amazing and talented, people had told him that ever since he could speak, he just doubted he was good enough to get in when there was thousands of people who could be better. He reached for his earphones, he put them into his ears playing a song he liked and fell into a dreamless sleep.


Katsuki jolted awake by not only his alarm but his mothers screaming.

"KATSUKI WAKE UP AND TURN THAT ALARM OFF BEFORE I BREAK THE DOOR DOWN!" Her loud voice echoed through the large house. Katsuki rolled his eyes while he turned off his alarm. He looked the the date and almost immediately shot out of bed. It was two days before school started, he was supposed to move into the dorms today. He ripped the suitcase out from under his bed and started throwing random items of clothing. He hadn't told his mum about him making it in, he hadn't even told her he was sending in an application. So today he was just going to disappear and not come back for a while. He had told his dad though, after he moved out the elder man seemed to want Katsuki to be happy and proud of himself. Katsuki was not a very trusting person but he understood his dad was trying to make a change.

Katsuki picked up a overly large orange and green shirt his dad had bought him for his birthday last year. He let a small smile slip and threw of his sleeping shirt and put on the green and orange shirt. He then walked over and pulled out the last pare of skinny jeans he didn't pack and slide those on after removing his sleeping pants. The shirt hung just above his knees and the jeans had some rips up and down his now hidden thighs but when he lifted his arms up they showed off a bit.


Katsuki jumped at the loud car noise, but smiled because that means his dad remembered to come pick him up. He sneaked out the front door careful not to alert his mother that he was leaving. His dad greeted him with a "how are you son?" and a calm smile.

"I'm fine dad everything's been pretty okay," He wasn't lying recently his mother has been less aggressive but they both knew it would last very long. After that they didn't talk much during the drive. At some point during the said drive Katsuki had put on the anti-dusk mask he wears to protect his identity from the world, its black with a toothy smirk. He adjusted it so it fitted right over his ears. He pulled out his earphones and started playing one of his songs.

If he was only he hated not listening to music while he was in a car or any sort of transportation.  UA wasn't that far from his home town but he'd rather not pay attention to the thoughts racing through his head. His summer had been quite chill, he had spent most of his time in the studio working on some songs. His mother was at work most of the time, but the times she wasn't she was either out drinking or drinking at home. Those days Katsuki avoided the house. Something he was grateful about was that she never brought anyone home from the bars she went too and if she did he never heard them. As his brain recounted his summer, his eyes drifted shut.

"Kats, kiddo, we're here," Katsuki would be a liar if he say he hadn't jumped when his dad touched his shoulder, so used to the rough shaking his mother does he he falls asleep outside his room. He lifted his head and met his dads eyes. He looked sad. He offered his dad a smile forgetting his mask covered the bottom half of his face. 

He gathered his bags from the boot of the car and gave his dad an awkward hug, then as he watched his fathers car drive off, he took a deep breath and headed for the front desk. A short old lady, smiled up at him.

"Hello dear, who might you be?" She gave him a kind smile that made him want to get mad, she seemed too nice. But instead he stayed calm, gave her his alias and asked where his room was.

"Your room is 231, have a great time Sweetie," He thanked her and walked in the direction of the dorms. He dragged his one suit case up the two large  flights of stairs, he'd be to ashamed to admit it out loud but his arms and legs burned so much when he'd finally reach his level. He took a minute to rest his sore limbs and then headed on his way. He ignored the stares from other students as they conversed outside their dorm rooms. When he reached his dorm, he took a deep breath and opened it.

The first room he entered was the kitchen and the dinning room, to the right of the hall, opposite of the kitchen, was a door which he guessed was a bathroom or storage closest, then the dinning room opened up into the lounge room where four others sat. They looked at him as if they were waiting for him to act.

One had pinkish skin, pink hair with two blonde streaks, her eyes were dark. Katsuki had heard of her before, she was Mina Ashido. Her new album k-12 had absolutely murdered the record board. If he was being honest he could tell why, the songs were great. They were about topics many chose not to sing or talk about.

The second one looked like a knock off pikachu, and because of that Katsuki knew how he was almost immediately. He was Denki Kaminari, a sappy song artist that all the girls fell in love with. His newest hit I Know What You Did Last Summer with Kyoka Jirou, had just make his fangirls duplicate in numbers and in crazy.

The one sitting furthest from Katsuki had longish black hair, dark eyes and was really tall. He couldn't figure out who this man was, but he'd definitely seen him before.

And the last one made Katsuki's heart stop. This one had red spikes hair, piercing red eyes. He was well built. Jesus Christ this man is hot. Katsuki tries to figure out who this man is when it hits him. This is Red Riot,a man whose songs like 'High Hopes' and "Say Amen' make you want to get up and dance.

The red hairs man got up from his spot and walked over to Katsuki. He held out his hand.
"Hi I'm Ejirou Kirishima!" Katsuki too his hand and shook it.

"Mines Bakugou but you guys can call me Zero," Ashido gave him an odd look before pushing past Kirishima and held out her own hand.

"I'm Mina Ashido and I just wanna say I really like you mask thingy!" Katsuki's shoulders tensed up as everyone continued to introduce themselves. The man he remember before, who had introduced himself as Hanta Sero, seemed to notice his discomfort.

"Hey guys give Zero some space," He warned over the others loud voices. They all took a step back and Kirishima even apologised, which Katsuki shot down almost immediately.

"Don't apologies for stupid shit. I'm fine," Kirishima gave a small nod. Kaminari, who asked to be called Kami, put his hand up. Katsuki looked at him questioningly, but pointed at him cautiously.

"Oh um are you going to wear that mask all the time or....?" Sero looked like he was gonna slap Kami for invading Katsuki's privacy. Katsuki didn't react badly though, he just mutter a whatever and pulled the black mask of his face.

A loud thud echoed through the dorm as Kirishima let go of his cup in shock.

"Holy shit your hot!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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