Now Or Never

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It's the morning of the great day. The caravans starts marching towards the destination. The escort is formed of around 500 men armed to the teeth.
Our assassins are also fully prepared for fighting, even though that's not plan A. Samuel and Sebastian are hiding on the right side of the road, Marcus and Serana are in a big bush on the left side  and Clavicus is up in a tree, with the bow and arrows ready.

One hour later...

The caravan comes in their sight. The men decide they should make a stop to have breakfast, so they put up the tents. Serana rises her left hand.  Clavicus shoots an arrow to an empty bush to distract the attention of Malek's guard.

A guard *alarmed*: Who's there?
The three guardsmen go towards the direction where the sound came from.

Serana: I'm going in that tent. Watch my back.

Marcus *anxiously*: I can't let you go in there alone. What if you won't come back?

Serana: We can't risk to go there toghether. Stay close. If I whistle, that means I'm in trouble. Alright?

Marcus: Alright. Good luck.

Serana sneaks to the entrance of Malek's tent. She hesitates for a second and then enters it quickly. Malek draws his sword and points it directly to Serana's neck.

Malek: So this is what my brother was palanning! You filthy beasts! I thought you have a droplet of honor, but no, all you want is money!

Serana  *trying to not look stressed*: No, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to kill you. I just want to find out why he wants you dead.

Malek *confused*: But... That's what I want to know too. Wait.... Yes! He wants to gain the throne of the kingdom!

Malek puts his sword back in the sheath.

Serana: But you are not the king.

Malek: Not yet, but because the king has no children, he chose me as the inheritor of the throne. And because Lorkan is my brother, He is the only one that can replace me if I die.

Serana: Now I understand!

Malek: Did he tell you to do anything else?

Serana: He wanted us to write a letter that incriminates you of sabotaging the caravan and confess that you want to kill the king.

Malek: Bastard! I'm making you an offer. Do you want to help me do the right thing?

Serana: Yes sir!

Malek: Alright then. Let's go along with his little game. Here's what I want you to do......

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