Chapter 2: The Inevitable

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Belden High was the most beautiful and incredible school I had ever been to, the facilities and programs they had here were phenomenal especially the arts program. Mr. Davidson has shown me around this morning before classes started and I was absolutely blown away, the school was so small when it first started out and now that it's grown to the size it has its by far one of the best in the state if not the country.

This was also my first teaching job and I felt privileged to be teaching in such an amazing school, students seemed happy here and all I saw were smiling faces; of course there were some outcasts but those would be in every school. However one student stuck out from the rest and it was the boy who was currently sitting at the back of my senior art class, Colton. He was an extremely quiet student or perhaps he was so passionate about art that he kept his head down and did his work. The boy was extremely talented and upon looking at my schedule I had this senior class four times a week; Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

I had the class do some free sketching just so I could see what I would be working with this year, I wanted them to do well so by getting them to free sketch I could not only pin point their strengths but it also gave me an idea of their weaknesses. Most artists draw what they are more so confident at drawing, while walking around the room I saw that most students were drawing something that was in the room like an object or even a fellow student.

Row by row I subtly inspected my students work and I have to say they really were a talented class. My eyes landed on one student in particular, she was a rather beautiful student; model worthy even. She had blonde chin length hair, big brown eyes, button nose and full red lips, Julie Owen was her name. Upon taking roll call before I began the lesson I tried my best to remember my student's names, I wasn't great at remembering names but since I was a teacher I was determined to push myself to know every student I had.
Colton and I had met before class started so calling out his name for roll call wasn't necessary however when it came to everyone else well, it was hard to remember my students although the class was no more than eighteen pupils.

Julie appeared to be drawing a vintage camera, the outline was more or less done and the shading on the lens wasn't the best but it was a rough sketch so I wasn't going to criticise her too much on it. She was good at drawing free hand lines and shapes, her use of shading on the camera itself excluding the lens was spot on so from what I could tell she had some trouble with shading more transparent objects; much like Colton had earlier on the lead droplets.

While moving down the second row a few seats from where Julie was sitting there was another girl who was sketching flowers in a vase. I could tell she was confident in what she was drawing since there were little to no flaws in her picture. The details and shading on the rose petals were flawless although she shaded too heavily on the vase itself so I could tell her weakness from this picture was shadowing edges to give a more three dimensional shape. Kristen Clarke was her name, like Julie she had chin length hair, thick light brown waves gently hung down from her head, her eyebrows were thin yet dark brown and contrasted her blue eyes beautifully. The girl's face was narrow and quite chiselled but had a very feminine shape and structure, her jaw came down into a diamond shape and her chin was pointed yet curved to contrast to her amazing features.

I wondered if all of my classes at Belden were this genetically lucky, when I was in high school you'd be lucky if you didn't need braces never mind Michelangelo sculpted features. The boys were also very lucky in the genetics department, Jesse Wood who sat directly in front of Colton was also a very handsome boy. He had thick dark blonde hair that lay in a neat state on top of his head parting slightly to the left. The boy wore a red muscle fit tee and had a square jawline, bright blue eyes, thin lips and a long nose which had a small bump on the middle of the bridge that contrasted to his long face shape perfectly.

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