Greener Pastures

111 2 0

Pairing: Minoru Suzuki/FC

Word Count: 731

"Stop trying to save me."

Minoru Suzuki stared at you with a frown. He didn't like this. Wasn't even sure why he cared, but something about you drew him to you. His hands tightened into fists as he watched you flinch, jumping out of harm's way as Rocky Romero and Jado nearly came to blows. Your useless waste of space of a boyfriend Sho barely spared you a glance as he and Yoh tried to separate the two volatile men. You were caught right in the middle of the implosion of Chaos and Minoru didn't like it.

Shaking off the unsettled feeling in his gut Minoru turned his back on the scene and continued on towards the Suzuki Gun locker room. Twice he had made overtures towards you, letting you know there was a safe haven waiting and twice he had been rejected. Once should have been enough. Minoru Suzuki was not a man who chased after women.

Though he had tried to forget about you, he had failed. It wasn't helping his attitude that his stablemates seemed to find his predicament hilarious, goading him about it every chance they got. So far Iizuka had earned a black eye for his troubles and Desperado could barely speak after the strangling Minoru had laid on him. Despite his lashing out, they still grinned at him as he entered, Taka making kissy noises though they were wise enough to keep their mouths shut. Minoru did not like feeling out of sorts and you had thrown him for all kinds of loops.

Three days later he crossed paths with you again and forgot all about his resolve to forget about you. You were sitting alone at a corner table, peeling the label from your water bottle absentmindedly, a pensive look on your face. Despite himself Minoru quickly found himself sliding onto the bench across from you.

"Stop trying to save me." You told him before he could open his mouth. "I don't need your help."

Minoru stared silently at you, eyes roaming your features and sighing as he read the unhappiness in your eyes. God save him from stubborn women. Normally he would shrug and go on his way again wondering why he was so hell bent on having you.

Instead he stayed, staring silently back at you. He wasn't taking no for an answer this time. You deserved better than that boy. You needed a man to take care of you. To show you how a woman should be treated. You waited, watching Minoru surreptitiously through lowered lashes as he remained seated. The silence carried on under his unmoving gaze. As much as you sent him away, you had to admit the attention was flattering. Lately Sho had been so involved in the Chaos drama that you felt like an afterthought. Having a man like Minoru Suzuki focused on you was a bit exhilarating.

"Why are you still here?" You finally asked unable to handle the oppressive silence any more.

"I've told you" Minoru said, his magnetic eyes drawing you in as he spoke softly and succinctly. "You're wasting your time with that boy." His face morphed into a sneer that said quite clearly what he thought of Sho. "He's not what you need."

"And you are?" You meant the question to sound much more condescending than it did, instead it came out downright flirty, something Minoru definitely noticed.

"After what you've been experiencing I'm probably too much man for you." Minoru said cockily, a teasing light in his eyes that had you smiling. "But you can learn."

Loud shouts broke out just out of view eliciting a sigh from you. You didn't even have to look to know it was Chaos. Again. You were so tired of the drama and infighting. Tension within the remaining members of the group was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The supposed leader Okada was failing miserably at pulling everyone together, too caught in his own head to lead anyone. You were getting tired of being ignored by Sho as he always seemed to be right in the middle of all the drama.

In contrast the antics of Suzuki Gun seemed downright serene. Maybe pastures weren't greener on the other side of the fence, but there was only one way to find out.  

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