Saiki K (Psychic Gets Harassed By "Friends")

18 2 1

Saiki-Genderfluid boss

Kaido-Blue hair fuckboi


Chio-Irish Chick

Mera-Fat fuck


Mikoto-Black bitch


Imu-Blonde girly

Genderfluid boss gets surrounded by Dum-dum and Blue hair fuckboi. Then Irish chick and Narcissist start to like Genderfluid boss. Irish chick falls out of love cause shes stupid and Blonde girly tries to hit on Genderfluid boss but starts to be lesbian for Narcissist. Genderfluid boss finds that Pervert and Black chick are psychic too and make a gang. Genderfluid boss fight his last battle and talks with his mouth for the first time and tries to lose powers. In the end nothing works out for Genderfluid boss and Fat fuck is just always there for some weird reason.

                                                                             The end   

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