Danganronpa: Rejected Zer0

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Name: Airi Megumi

Age: 16 

Rejected Ultimate: SHSL Matchmaker
((Ironically the talent that drove her to the crime))

Personality: I won't deny she's pretty similar to Mikan, both being timid and would do anything to be loved, but there's a hint of Nagito in there. She's absolutely obsessed with love to the point she can be very clingy and the minute someone asks for her to "do-the-do" with them she'll instantly accepts. Toys, rope, dirty pet names, she'll do anything for the "affection" even if it's fake.
Her love obsession aside, she's quite a sweetheart.

POST ACCEPTANCE UPDATE/THOUGHT: Now that I think about it- she's secretly a Maki... since she's not really the pushover she makes herself appear to be and is easily annoy. Plus she pulls Kirigiri and Maki's "resting b*tch face" persona during Class Trials

Yeah, she really needs some friends... and for someone to teach her that love can be platonic

Quote: "Everyone else gets love, everyone who I've matchmade gets love, why can't I!? Why won't someone love me!?"

Crime: Prostitution


Height: 5'7

Weight: 134 lb

Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde

Hair Style: Straight and long, ends around waist area

Skin Color: Pale 

Eye Color: Hazel

Eye Description: Unintentionally very close to Masaru's

Face: (HoW dO i DeScRiBe ThIs-) Default expression is similar to Mikan's???

Ethnicity: Asian-American

Nationality: American

Clothing: See below

- Cream long sleeved shirt with collar and cuffed ends
- Red tie
- Green suspender skirt with the school symbol on it

Accessories/Bonus aspects
- Nose bandage with a heart on it
- Pink, frilly jacket with and two heart-shaped pins

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