chapter two

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After a shit ton of walking, we end up on what they referred to as 'greek row', and it's even crazier than I had expected. I was with Lena, Carissa, Dani, and Dani's friend Stella and it was pretty clear that we were all first years but that's to be expected. Carissa is the only local one but she isn't being much help in my opinion so Stella took the lead. 

Greek life isn't huge at Penn State from what I've heard but its still pretty popular. Stella leads us to frat and Carissa is complaining about the guys in it but Stella is slightly irritated with Carissa and ignores her complaints.

The second I step in I am  overwhelmed, I wasn't expecting this. But on the bright side, it was definitely wild. Shitty music was blaring through expensive speakers and the place is packed. We make our way over to the bar and this is where the real fun starts.

I take two vodka shots immediately and take a cup with whiskey, it doesn't take long for that to go down either. I get a little more vodka into my cup and decide on more alcohol after this, because it's fun to be tipsy and tonight is not about getting wasting.

As shitty as the party seems once you first walk in, with the more liquor you take in the better everything becomes. After finishing the last of the alcohol in my cup I make my way up to the platform with Lena and we're dancing when Lena leans in.

"He's cute, and he likes what he sees," she mumbles.

She is definitely on her way to being wasted, but sure enough I look over and see a cute Asian looking at me. I look back at Lena and she motions for him to come over.

"He's one of the brothers," she mumbles again as he's making his way over.

Fuck it, I quickly drink what's left in her cup and suddenly I'm faced with what is either the cutest guy I've ever seen, or a halfway decent guy that looks cute with my drunken brain and the flashing disco lights.

He's tall, has jet black hair, and I can make out a couple of tattoos. He's wearing a black t-shirt with black jeans, so simple yet so sexy.

"Heyyy," I shout over the loud music.

He chuckles, "you're not from around here are you?"

He's not from around here either.

"Nope, I'm English. What about you?"

"Australian," he replies.

I could hear it better that time.

"You're not Asian?" Lena blurts out.

We stan a drunk Lena, I mean I was thinking that too but, I'm not that drunk.

"No, Kiwi and Scottish, but I was born in Sydney," he laughs again, "is this your roommate?" He asks me.

"No," I reply, "Wait, kinda. She's my suite mate but we were roommates for a year. She was my host sister two years ago."

He laughs again and then I start laughing too out of nowhere.

"You know, you're cute" he says to me, but he says it as if he's talking to a little kid or a puppy.

Lena starts to leave but I grab her wrist, I'm not from here but I'm smart enough to know that I shouldn't be alone here especially when I've been drinking.

"You are fine," she groans, "I am going to be right there with Carissa and the girls, we can all see you and you can see all of us."

So I let go.

"I love this song," he says to me.

"I don't know this song," I shout back.

Yet I still let the music take over and start to dance with him. 

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